Conscious Breathing II
Bringing Light Into Physical Form
Charla Shamhart
It is the Breath of Life that connects us to both spirit and matter. Breath is that link between physical and non-physical. Breath brings time into focus and defines space so that we can interact in a linear way which our minds can comprehend. Carried on the breath is prana, the essence of Light from which all things are created. Breath allows us to interpose that Light into a physical form and hold that form so we can have experiences in the place of physical reality. We literally become Light Essence, or Spirit, having a physical experience.
Breath keeps us moving, being constantly recreated in the ever evolving present. That moving energy brings us emotional vitality and resilience, gives us mental focus and supercharges our physical bodies with a unending supply of energy from the prana. We must constantly evolve and materialize into that which we are becoming. We are either part of the expanding hologram of life or we are part of a diminishing consciousness that is spiritual death.
It is the nature of life to mimic the breath which acts as a bellows, firing our awareness into the never-ending present moment and allowing us to hold space in physical, third dimensional reality. When we breathe in, we fill the Universe within with Light and create that which we perceive as real on the time-space continuum. When we breathe out we dissolve space and time allowing for the creation of the next moment. Experience is just a series of moments of being Here, Now. As we create each moment, the stream of Light passing through us connects us directly to Source; to Creator.
If the breath is too shallow and cannot flow properly between the positive and negative polarities, we get stuck in a particular moment in linear time and are not able to move forward or backwards. We can literally become frozen in time, unable to let go of the past and create a NOW, a NOW that is ever ebbing and flowing in the dance we call life. If the breath is too full we can become rigid and fixed in our beliefs, again not allowing the dance of creation and dissolution to take place in their proper balance. People who practice pranayama, the yogic science of breath control, are prone to this malady, becoming certain that their method is the only “correct” path on the journey of life.
The decreased ability to move breath and retain Light causes us to become stuck, which in turn causes us to become discomforted because we are trying to live in the past instead of the present. Clearing the past of all incompletely resolved emotional energy is essential to living in the present and allowing the pranic life force to circulate freely within us. Conscious Breathing brings life-giving essence and is necessary to be really alive. The infusion of Light through the breath allows us to break the chains that bind us to that place that no longer exists, the past.
Ding Le Mei, founder of the Science of Mentalphysics and a prominent spiritual teacher from the early to mid 20th century, described Breath as the flywheel of life. It is the propeller which keeps the internal chemical combustion engine turning, allowing the streaming river of Creation to remain in constant motion. The Breath of Life moves us constantly onward toward higher and higher levels of consciousness as it enables us to hold increasing levels of Light. Each moment that we realize the fullest expression that we are capable of manifesting stretches our experience of reality so that we are then able to open more fully in the next moment of time. We express increasingly refined frequencies on our journey toward the heart of creation, which we call Enlightenment.
Breath brings in spiritual energy to create our lives in a healthy and positive way. As the past burns and is released, it fuels what is taking place in the very next moment and creates the NOW. When our energy is low and we do not have enough ATP (Adenosine triphosphate), i.e., cellular energy, it indicates that we are not adequately able to burn and release the energy from the past that propels us through time and space. When we can clear the mind’s focus on the the past and bring our focus into the new NOW, we have abundant energy for all that we desire to do. Being present in each moment of Creation means being only in the NOW; not thinking about what might have been or what could happen next, but opening to the present moment’s reality.
Recently, humans have began substituting technology for breath in creating experiences. This obsessive focus on the external causes mental energy to move too far outward rather than be balanced with the inward experience. The breath becomes diminished and the Light within becomes deficient. This is an outwardly focused energy as opposed to that which is generated from within, which is in greater harmony with our inner Self and true nature. This exterior mechanical expression leads to a secondary experience of life rather than a primary, first-hand experience and creates dissonance and isolation within. As Above, so Below; as Within, so Without. Inner harmony creates outer balance.
When we flow with the Breath of Life, we are whole and full and we tune in to the Inner-net. We become intuitive, manifesting Creator and creation in our lives. We become creative allowing experiences of many shapes and forms to flow unimpeded. We become that which is omnipotent – all powerful, omnipresent – present everywhere simultaneously and omniscient – all knowing. Light, however imperceptible to the common uninitiated eye, flows from us, and others are attracted like moths to a flame.
We turn inward; we turn outward. Breathing in; breathing out. Breathing correctly with intention holds us steady in time and space so we can bring greater and greater Light into our experience; our reality. Our inner vision rides on our breath, the Breath of Life. Without correct breathing our vision and creativity and the vitality that animates this body, this physical form – diminishes.
Who am I? Through breathing it is possible to discover our inner purpose. That which is hidden becomes manifest into the Light through breath.
(C) 2014 Charla Shamhart
In my next piece for the Concordance Blog, I will talk about how spoken sound travels on the Breath of Life to create our reality.
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