Conscious Breathing

Conscious Breathing is the practice of breathing with awareness, intention and attention to your inner experience, in the present moment.

Breathing, beyond the basic need for survival, acts as a bridge between spirit, mind, and body; between the conscious and the subconscious. Conscious Breathing is one of the quickest ways to open our hearts to love and inner peace, and to fill our bodies with life giving breath and health.

Practice can be as simple as a few minutes’ exercise to promote mental focus and relax the body.  It can be practiced by all ages in all circumstances including in schools, the workplace, hospitals, and during periods of stress, including post-traumatic situations, etc.  When used regularly, It can help people develop the skill of relaxation, even in challenging situations.  Conscious Breathing is also the base of many meditation and yoga practices and is used in the preparation and cool-down phases of many physical activities.

Rev. Charla Shamhart is the Voice for Conscious Breathing our Harmonic Concordance Blog.

The Breath of Life
Bringing Light into Physical Form
Breath, Sound and the Manifestation of the Universe

The Heart of Spiritual Discipline
Breath and Consciousness

Breathing In, Breathing Out
Spring Cleaning

Please also see (by Charla):

Sacred Sounds or Diabolical Dissonance?

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