FAQs About The Chakras
What is a chakra?
A chakra is an energy center in the human body that receives, processes and transmits information about particular aspects of being and experience. The Sanskrit word “chakra” literally means “wheel,” which is an apt name for these energy portals since they rotate in a circular fashion just like a wheel. For more information, read the article, “An Introduction To The Chakras.”
How many chakras are there?
There are many different opinions about how many chakras there are, but the most popularly excepted model in the Western World acknowledges seven main chakras that reside along the sushumna (the energy channel of the spine) from the tip of the tailbone to the top of the crown.
How do my chakras affect my life?
Your chakras affect every single aspect of your life. Just as your DNA holds your biological blueprint – all your genetic potential – your chakras hold your energetic blueprint – all your energy potential. If there is any area of your life you’d like to improve, then your chakras are the place to begin.
Where are my chakras located?
1st Chakra: Tip of the tailbone/perineum area
2nd Chakra: Pelvis/sacrum
3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus
4th Chakra: HeartCenter
5th Chakra: Throat
6th Chakra: Above and between the brows
7th Chakra: Above the crown
What do the seven main chakras relate to?
This question and others are answered in visual form on our Chakra Chart. Here’s a short summary of what each chakra represents:
1st Chakra: Grounding, Prosperity, Safety, Vitality, Career, Home
2nd Chakra: Creativity, Intimacy, Fertility, Sexuality, Adaptability
3rd Chakra: Confidence, Action, Energy, Laughter, Mental Clarity
4th Chakra: Love, Compassion, Relationships, Surrender, Empathy
5th Chakra: Truth, Purpose, Expression, Artistry, Communication
6th Chakra: Intuition, Vision, Dreams, Clairvoyance, Insight
7th Chakra: Wisdom, Intelligence, Unity, Spirit, Awareness
How can I tell if my chakras need boosting or balancing?
The simplest way is to take this quick and effective Chakra Test.
Are men and women’s chakras the same?
Yes, all human being’s chakras are the same in their potential. But the energy of the chakras actually pulsates up and down the spine in a way that makes the odd chakras (1, 3, 5) have a contractive “masculine” quality, and the even chakras (2, 4, 6) have an expansive “feminine” quality. This means that in general, men tend to be stronger in the masculine chakras and women tend to be stronger in the feminine chakras. Conversely, this means that women usually need to boost their masculine chakras, and men typically need to boost their feminine chakras.
Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but it’s a pretty reliable, general guideline. We’ve created a simple youtube video you can watch about how Chakra Needs Are Generally Different For Men & Women. If you’d like to learn a little about how men and women’s chakras differ in regard to Chakras & Sexuality, click the link and watch the video.
If one chakra is blocked, does it affect the others?
Yes, it’s important to remember that your chakras work together. They are tied together like pearls on a necklace with the main energy currents flowing upward and downward. A blocked chakra directly affects the chakras above and below it, since the flow to the next chakra is impeded. The point is, you need to think of the chakras as a system. While you may choose to focus on a particular chakra, you still need to consider that chakra’s relationship to the other chakras.
I’ve heard a lot about “upper” and “lower” chakras – what does this mean?
Since there are seven main chakras, the middle one is the heart. In almost all spiritual doctrines, the heart is recognized as the central energy point in the body. In tantric philosophy, it is seen as a sort of mirror that separates the lower three chakras from the upper three. The lower three represent our earthly existence, and the upper three represent our spiritual existence. Neither is better than the other. They just have a reflective quality in regard to each other.
Can I feel my chakras?
Most people can actually feel their chakras. From the inside, your chakras create feelings like “butterflies in your stomach” (3rd chakra) or a warmth in your heart (4th chakra). From the outside, you can often feel them with your hand as a sort of “cushion” of energy. It’s even easier to feel someone else’s chakras. Have them lie on their back, and then put your hand over their solar plexus or heart. Start with your hand about two feet away, and then move it down until you start to feel their energy meet yours – it will feel like a light energy cushion moving out from their body.
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