Grounding in the Now III

Evolving Beyond the Mind
Le’Velle Zimmerman


Le’Velle Zimmerman

When you are truly present there are no questions to be asked, no opinions to be expressed, no need to analyze anything, just a sense of your own essence.  In this place of calm is the clarity of water in an untouched spring, the source of Infinite Intelligence from which you can sip.  

I use the metaphor of an untampered habitat delibertly to illustrate how natural it is to sense that which is beyond the mind’s efforts to “figure out” what is already known in the heart.  Peace is in the absence of thought patterns, just as a clear reflection is visible when a pond is absent of ripples.  

The mind is always going to find questions to ask.  While many feel, because of the complexity of a question, that logic has an “upper hand” on the simplicity of Love itself, this form of arrogance is based in separation.  The Heart knows the truth of Peace beyond the need for such analysis, and in which one is able to fully enjoy the experience.  

In doubt and fear one remains stagnant, which is always going to be the case when the mind remains susceptible to the lower frequencies that radiate throughout this dimension.  As you continuously create from a place of Joy, you are expanding your capacity to connect with other aspects of Self in which your awareness of the vastness within is constant.

On the Ascension Path there are various subject matters that come into question for those who are newly awakened.  “Newbies” will often ask questions such as,”How do I find peace?” or “When do I know I am in the 5th Dimension?”  The source of these questions is most likely to be the mind itself.  The Heart, however, always knows.  It senses through intuition rather than defining such questions. One may see that the mind is merely looking for a situation within the illusion of linear time to highlight.  This is all based on an intellectual analysis rather than the true reality of the Now Moment in which one embraces their experience for the blessing that it is.  The intellect (Mind) has most often been used as a tool used to make basic decisions that are a part of the physical illusion.  

As a soul matures, however, it comes to the point of realizing that it is the source of its own experience.  After countless lifetimes on Earth, many Souls are now prepared to graduate from the limitations of logical thought and into the Infinite Intelligence of Source, which is always aware of all that is necessary to create one’s intended experience.  

This is where you take an active role in mapping out your own exploration of the vastness within you.  This is not subject to the limitations of something expressed as possible or not possible from the outside.  Know that, in releasing thought, you mature spiritually, trusting your own intention to create what is necessary on your path.  This is achieved through embracing a more intuitive lifestyle, in the present moment of Now, and not in looking outside of the Self for validation.

As you step into an expanded reality of more Heavenly experiences, you will find that most of the miraculous unfoldments are so synchronistic that they are beyond the need for explanation.  Your Love is amazing and is to be embraced, not to be studied as if you are being tested, when you are the Creator of that experience.  It is a matter of releasing the fear and doubt created by the mind that allows your magical abilities to blossom.  When you allocate more energy to the present moment of Creation, rather that feeling guilty or judgmental about the illusions of past and future “events,” you are free to choose which frequency, Love or fear, you wish to express.

This state is embraced through grounding in the now.  Such grounding provides the stability to operate from a place of pure potential – beyond all illusory realities.

Unconditional Love is the Fabric.

Peace is the Frequency.

Within you is the location.

All within the Eternity of Now.

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