Revealing the Mystery VI

The REAL You
Isaac George


“Be yourself.  Everyone else already exists.” – Unknown

Authenticity is the New Currency

Isaac George

What does authenticity mean to you?  Do you endeavour to just be yourself in your business or personal life? Or do you struggle with an inner and outer persona, and strategize how you wish to appear in your work or career?  Do you hide how you really feel because of what others might think?

“For me the word authenticity only has real weight if a person is fully in touch with their feelings.  To own one’s feelings and to show them fearlessly to me is a sign of emotional maturity.  Sometimes we’re up, sometimes we’re down.”

Of late I’ve been examining the business world, and especially what could be termed “soul-based” or spiritual/intuitive coaching.  I do really need to do this as I have been rebranding my own work in that vein. One of my inspirations for this was reading about the life experience of a successful coach in America who I had the pleasure of working with briefly.  What was instantly refreshing and different about him is that he revealed a bit of his history…who he had been and how he moved to where he is now.  He did this without any sense of embarrassment.  In terms of success, this guy had it clicking on all cylinders during the first half of 2015.  Then early last summer, the wheels came off of the bus.  He had a series of misfortunes and setbacks that would have made anyone question their vision and life’s direction.  Instead of hiding behind a façade of “everything’s fabulous,” he sent out a newsletter recounting his challenges and what he was learning through them.  No sugar coating, no lies.  It was a humbling and inspirational demonstration of trust and vulnerability.  Integrity was written all over this guy.

7575082For me the word authenticity only has real weight if a person is fully in touch with their feelings.  To own one’s feelings and to show them fearlessly to me is a sign of emotional maturity.  Sometimes we’re up, sometimes we’re down.  I read somewhere recently that there is some research now showing that acting “as if” or putting on a performance for others can have a negative cumulative effect on one’s own well-being and physical health.  The striving for perfection, or even excellence, can cut us off from many things.  I feel that we avoid showing up 100% because our egos have been trained and conditioned so thoroughly in the twin shackles of shame and embarrassment.

“Showing up and being who you are, no matter which side of the bed you clambered out of this morning, is how people will instinctively know that you are trustworthy.  You
don’t have to “sell” it to another, because your truth will permeate
whatever you think, say or do.  It becomes self-evident.”

We often hear that the world of business is about building relationships.  If that’s true, why reserve only our “game face” in our business dealings?  Is that authenticity?  No, not really.  It’s the same theatre we see in political campaigns and corporate public relations media campaigns.  Both rely on certain types of psychology to manipulate the public into believing something, then doing almost the exact opposite of the stated purpose.  Fraud is epidemic.  Sound bites and pretty images have a hypnotic effect.  But if you are ignorant of the tools employed, then you are a target.  I feel it’s time to stop playing games.

Showing up and being who you are, no matter which side of the bed you clambered out of this morning, is how people will instinctively know that you are trustworthy.  You don’t have to “sell” it to another, because your truth will permeate whatever you think, say or do.  It becomes self-evident.  Of course it IS essential that you do as you say you will do!  Your words and actions must agree in order to be experienced as real and authentic.  To that end it is very important that we can never over-promise or over-commit…or that will cost us in numerous ways.  Conversely, honesty and authenticity is magnetic!

When we were kids (no matter in which lifetime you care to think of) our learned behaviours were pretty much dictated by the “shoulds” or “thou shalt nots” that we learned in our primary relating with our parents.  Whether we were imprinted with their religious ideas or not, we looked up at them as being gods or goddesses.  Almost without exception we perceived that our very survival depended on them!  

“To find the source of your authenticity and your soul, your mission will be to
find your nugget, your seed; you’re absolute true nature.”

The work of becoming authentic will be found to rest squarely on realizing the combination of our mystical and human natures, the divine and the mundane…our very personal mythos.  We are simultaneously a unique expression of the One Love that is the Source of All, and we’re also connected with everyone and everything else.  Why hide it?  Why hide from it?  To find the source of your authenticity and your soul, your mission will be to find your nugget, your seed; you’re absolute true nature.  Our core beliefs about the nature and purpose of “business as usual” (busyness as usual) will may have to also change dramatically, if we are to avert social and ecological apocalypse.

“This is the nature of how consciousness works.  Trust and love must begin in
one’s own personal sphere, and then translates into our intimate partnerships,
families, communities, and our business relationships.”

The new currency is authenticity.  The coming way of being, whether personally or in business is to embrace the power inherent in our vulnerability.  Trust will be something that will not have to be spoken, because each person will be more in tune with their true natures.  This is the nature of how consciousness works.  Trust and love must begin in one’s own personal sphere, and then translates into our intimate partnerships, families, communities, and our business relationships.  All of our relationships will thrive because of cooperation with one another, instead of competition.

Love and authenticity are values that must inform all other values.  Embrace your truth, and be fearless in being who you are and a journey of magic and bliss will open up to you, and in every life you touch.

With love,