Spirit at the Crossings IX

Pam Crane

”Whatever is born or done in a moment of time has the qualities of that moment of time.’’
                                                                                                                   Carl Jung, Synchronicity

Astrology attributes a consistent set of meanings to the positions of Sun, Moon, planets and stars in relation to the local horizon & meridian at the start of an event or a human life.  It goes on to describe the developing situation or personality and to time the circumstances that are sent to stimulate that development.  In human terms, Astrology demonstrates that you are the state of the cosmos in which your bodily life began.  You are a conscious mind that seeks to love.  So the characteristics of the cosmos appear to be Mind, consciousness, meaning, love, intent, and must surely manifest the loving omnipresence of the Creator.

In response to the biblical exhortation, “Be thou perfect, even as thy Father in Heaven is perfect,” our birth-chart is the cosmic pattern of our tiny, potential perfection,  much like the image carried in individual splinters of a Hologram, or like the uniqueness of DNA in every cell in a mighty body – the body of God.

Now, one thing that may surprise some of you about astrology is that there are in fact three major zodiacs, Tropical, Sidereal and Draconic.  The Tropical zodiac (typically used in western astrology), starts with Aries at the point of the Spring Equinox and describes our familiar personality.  The Sidereal zodiac (applied mainly in Easter or Vedic astrology) starts at the beginning of the star constellation, Aries, and describes our public identity.  Finally there’s the Draconic chart which starts at a point in the sky where the current year’s eclipses are seen (this point changes all the time in an 18-year cycle) and describes our soul’s deepest principles.  The three usually produce charts that are quite different, but each plays its part in building the entire spiritual and incarnate self. 

All of these zodiacs are active in describing not only ourselves but our material and spiritual circumstances.  These are pictured in the planetary patterns at the two Equinoxes and two Solstices every year.

Here’s a look at the three charts:

Tropical (Pam)

Vedic (Pam) Dracomic (Pam)









Each of us also has an additional solar core, a secret self that is our conscious, thinking awareness.   A complete constellation of planetary energies, called the Dwad, is active in each of the zodiacs at this higher vibration.  It is literally a 12x higher vibration of the natal chart, and can be understood as astrology’s “natural fractal.”*  What you find in the Dwad can be surprisingly different than the perceived, outer personality – the vehicle that embodies it and gives it expression.  The Dwad adds depth and lucidity to the non-physical identity.

Because we are now going to look at the 2016 Spring Equinox from a spiritual point of view, I use a triple wheel.

Tri Wheel (PAM)

At its centre is the chart drawn in the Draconic zodiac, focused on the higher principles.  Unlike in the Tropical and Sidereal charts, the Draconic Sun changes by many degrees at each solar crossing, bringing different issues into play on the world stage.

In this Spring’s Equinox chart, the 0º Aries Tropical Sun will (as usual) signal the time for fresh initiatives.  On that same date the Sidereal Sun is at 5º Pisces which will continue to emphasise the role that faith, and above all, compassion, should be playing in our collective life.  However, the Draconic Sun on March 20 will be found in 8º of Libra. 

Not only that – Mercury, the planet of ideas, communication and trade is not only close to that Sun but is also to the Dragon’s Tail, on the other side of which are Chiron and Ceres.  This planetary cluster, found in all three rings of our wheel, implies that collective karma is being worked out over the ensuing three months.  Matters of sovereignty, dialogue, mutual understanding and business are extremely important to resolve now.   At the global and individual level, old scores must be settled, debts paid, gratitude expressed, pain accepted,  lessons learned (found with Chiron), grief and separation endured, and the planet’s resources realised to be limited, precious, and to be shared (all the concerns of Ceres).

With the cluster gathered over the Virgo-Libra cusp we have to do is our very best to honour these requirements both in principle and practice, in a calm spirit of fairness, loving-kindness, and helpfulness.  If we fail, we may experience – again individually and collectively – much pain and loss.  By one means or another we all have to learn humility and self-sacrifice. 

 The incentive for this is to be found at the Dragon’s Head, the Moon’s North Node.  In Virgo in the Tropical zodiac this emphasises the self-effacing help each individual can learn to offer.  This begins with letting go of the chaos of emotions that pull us in all the wrong directions. 

In the Sidereal zodiac the Dragon’s head is in the previous sign, Leo, urging humanity as a whole to develop a loving heart for those whose lives have been fractured by the shocks of Aquarius and are in Piscean confusion.  If we get this answer to life’s questions right, all the joy and richness of Jupiter is ours, waiting at that Dragon’s Head.

Indeed, if we wish to drive our souls forward on the Path, it is the spirit of Joy, magnanimity and generosity that we need to cultivate, and it will grow in us by giving.  Happily, in the Tropical zodiac at this crucial moment, the Moon is in late Leo close to the Sidereal Jupiter/N. Node.  This shows that the popular mood will be inclined to think with the heart, and as long as this doesn’t degenerate into negative Leo self-centredness, humanity as a whole stands a chance of turning things round, discovering the loving thing to do.  It is all about  caritas, charity in its original heart-felt meaning.

Of course there will be a greater or lesser emphasis on these lessons in different countries of the world; in countries where the key planets are on the horizon or meridian the greatest attention of all must be paid.  Here in the UK it’s a mixed picture with generous, loving Leo on the Draconic Ascendant but Mars (at the Midheaven), Tropical Saturn and Pluto, and Sidereal Venus/Neptune all on angles; the British need to follow their very best instincts and reserve the energies of the power planets for constructive planning and enterprise rather than giving way to fear and anger.  The house positions of the planetary cluster focus on the nation’s identity and its relationship with others.

The situation in the USA is similar, with Mars rising at Washington, challenging a whole culture to transmute aggression into positive initiatives, an enthusiasm for constructive dialogue, in the arena of territory, cultural heritage and national goals.

Australia’s work centres very much on resources – what is mine?  What is yours?  What do I keep for myself and what do I share?  Pluto is very strong on the Canberra angles; the nation is being tested on the use of power and the ability to transform.

South Africa will have much to give spiritually and socially; it could be a shining light with its Sunrise equinox.  But at Pretoria the Dragon’s Head and Jupiter are in the 6th house; it would benefit the country and its people to attend to the practical details of life for a while.

These are only a few, very sketchy examples of how the patterns can be read across the globe.  And as yet we haven’t looked at the inner pattern, the Dwad.  This too will vary in its emphasis from country to country, highlighting regional issues as the angles shift around the Spring chart, The 0º Aries Tropical Sun will not change at all.  But the inner Moon, found in Taurus at this higher vibration, suggests that behind every move for growth or change, behind every selfish or selfless attitude or act will be a practical, material consideration and/or a reflection on values.  This will feel like the way to go, too, as the Dragon’s Head is in Taurus in the Dwad. 

Opposite in challenging, embattled, and emotionally fraught Scorpio are Uranus, Chiron and the Dragon’s Tail; the negative outcome that humanity is going to try to avoid at all costs is disruption and war.   If we are bent on a path of fear and self-destruction, this is what we may bring upon ourselves.  Or we may realise the dangers of fear and work even harder at “waging peace.”

Bi-Wheel (Pam)…….

Across the rings of the outer bi-wheel, Mercury and Pluto connect almost precisely in Capricorn.  This is thinking at its most practical, ambitious and powerful.  The right thought can transform events and people.  The wrong thought can lead to disaster after disaster.  Much can be achieved through a calm, considered and patient approach to any question, any dilemma.  This requires planning, forethought, and the quiet, controlled development of real vision.  But Capricorn is also competitive, and all that power and control can lead to tyranny.

As this is written in early March 2016, the world stage is being reset to give us a fresh opportunity to work out the spiritual principles required of us as we approach another series of international turning-points.  Whether these become crises or triumphs of loving human resolve now depends on us all.


* (You can find a full description and explanation on my website, The Adventurous Astrologer under ‘Techniques.’)