The Field Surveys VII
A Survey of Surveys
Jan Lundquist
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We can’t see the Field with our physical eyes. We can’t touch it with our hands. But over time, we can learn to feel it. We can learn to condition ourselves to fall into a state of resonance with it.
This state of resonance arises first, within us, at the moment the electromagnetic waves produced from the brain and the heart begin fall into coherent harmonic frequencies. (For a summary of the research supporting this claim, see Dr. Fahad Basheer’s Heart Consciousness the Next Frontier in Brain and Neuroscience.)
“Postface” Reflection
Those of us who follow an alternative spiritual path or practice very likely showed signs of our deviant behavior early on. The Southern Baptists lost me sometime in my “tweens” when I discovered and devoured the small shelf of metaphysical books in our tiny town library. This miscellaneous assortment, from the classic The Search for Bridey Murphy, to The Victorian Ladies’ Oracle awoke in me a need to know more, in the sense of more than anyone could ever tell me, because it would have to be knowledge earned by myself.
A couple of events in my childhood had predisposed me toward an affinity for this type of “woo-woo-ness.” The first was when a friend introduced me to a new “game.” It was actually a primitive type of yes/no oracle that someone else had shown her. Taking my Bible, she inserted a pair of scissors in the middle of it, lengthwise, and rubber-banded it to hold it closed around them with the handles extended above it. Then, balancing them on our index fingers, we suspended the book between us. This homemade contraption rotated one way for yes, another for no. To my amazement, the answers were always correct.
At ten, I came down with a persistent infection of the femur (thigh bone) that did not respond to treatment and the remission/relapse cycle continued for the next two years. I watched a lot of midday television during the relapse periods, but, with only three channels to choose from (yes, I am that old!), I couldn’t be too selective about the program choices. One day a faith healing preacher won out over soap operas. I was left gobsmacked at seeing people faint dead away from a light tap on the forehead.
Faith came easy then, (as it does with children) but the idea that the actions of faith and healing could be directly wired to each other, skipping all parts in between, was a new thought and worth exploring. That night I asked to be healed, believed that I was, and so I was, for a long stretch of time.
In retrospect, I see that these simple events became the figurative bookends on the shelf of all that I would come to learn about the one thing I would know for myself: when the ONE pointed mind accesses the all pervasive energy that I call the Field, inexplicably wonderful things occur.
“Present Face” Speculation
Happily for humanity we are finally emerging from the dark period of Scientific Materialism which denies the possibility that any such workings exist. There are now many, many researchers who have begun to probe the mysteries of the Mind/Brain/Body connections.
Early on in the transition from the old era, much of this work flew under the radar as research into the physiology of stress, or the broader, now well-established field of “psychoneuroimmunology,” the study of the relationships between the psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body.
Another relevant, (and trendier) field of study is “consciousness research,” which is focused on the mind/brain end of the problem. The primary quest here is for the location of the consciousness that we call Mind. In The Brain, Consciousness, and Science: Hints of Immortality, by Bob Davis, Ph.D, discusses the competing theories about this, as put forth by notable physicists and physicians.
Stanford Professor Emeritus, Dr. William Tiller, stands alone however, in tackling the problem of uncovering how the Mind (wherever it is) functions in the alteration of reality. Tiller is best known for his experiments with Intention Imprinted Electrical Devices (IIEDs). The presence of these generic electronic circuits, when “programmed” with human intention, can accomplish sophisticated tasks such as changing the pH level in a glass of water, or altering the level of liver enzymes in tissues in the lab, even though the human doing the imprinting has no idea of how to accomplish the end task themselves.
You can hear Dr. Tiller speak of his work in the videos embedded in Tara MacIsaac’s Epoch Times article, Stanford Scientist: Vast, Powerful Realm Between Particles Influenced by Human Consciousness. It is largely thanks to him that, after many years of derision and exclusion, it is now becoming acceptable in the field of medicine to speak of subtle energies.
In ye olden days, that quaint term was way too spiritual and wishy-washy to have any useful meaning to physical scientists. Now that the advent of sensitive measurement equipment has made it possible to detect the faintest of electromagnetic waves emanating from the body, many assume “subtle energy” is just a metaphor for that activity.
But, Tiller disagrees. He “…believes that, although subtle energies are frequently assumed to be similar to, or associated with electromagnetic fields, this is erroneous. In addition, subtle energies involved in biologic processes are not necessarily weak but rather elusive, because they cannot be measured directly, but only by their effects.” (Bioelectricmagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine, John Rosh)
Speaking purely pragmatically, we don’t have to wait for the final conclusions on any of these topics. We have enough knowledge, now, to begin the work on proving all of this for ourselves. We can fall into a resonant heart center. We can reduce our stress levels. We can access the mind that resides outside of the body. And we can observe the effects on our own lives.
The No Face Resolution
These ways of being belong to no religious sect at all, and even the most hardened of atheists can reap their benefits. Mental and physical health are the natural birth right of every human being. They are the foundations of the “self-actualizing” human found at the top of Maslow’s (original) pyramid of needs. The self-actualizing human is always working in and on the Field, whether they are conscious of it or not.
The more diligent we are in these practices, the more aware and effective we become in this (great) work. Inevitably, we will grow into what would have been Maslow’s final addition to his pyramid. At the time of his death he was working on adding the still higher level of Self-transcendance.
Ever more certain of the existence of a universally available intelligent power ready to partner with us in the creation of the large and small events of our lives, we find ourselves compelled to help others toward this realization. As the diversity of articles here on the blog show, the paths we follow are many and varied. Some write of their mental practices, others of teachings received on their spiritual path, others (like me), of more prosaic science. It is up to you as the reader to take what works for you and leave the rest.
If lack of faith keeps you from a Spiritual path, let concern for your health guide you to a physical one. If a questioning mind demands to be placated, give it some science to chew on. Your intention to grow and develop will move you inexorably forward. And when the pieces fall into place for you, remember to turn and hold out a hand to those who are still climbing the mountain.