Trust is Love. Love is Trust.

Maria Kramer

“Trusting yourself every moment of the day is the same as loving yourself every moment of the day.”

Maria Kramer1As February is known as “Love Month” I am guided to start with a sharing on the energies that are the imperative foundation for heart centered, authentic living, and also to address the dualistic energies that erode one’s ability to enjoy the blessings of living a life filled with exuberant, authentic Joy.

Love is our very nature and the energy from which we are created.  Anything that does not feel like love in our daily experience is not our truth.  When we are fully connected to living from our heart space of love, we are able to use our innate intelligence of trust, intuition and feelings as guidance systems in full perfection.  I am talking about the energy of unconditional love that asks for nothing in return, void of any expectations and agendas.  It is the energy of the newborn, innocent child that just is present and fully trusts that all is well.  It says: “I am here, my wonderful beautiful ‘Love Self’ and I see you and I trust you to love me unconditionally and care for me.” “Do you remember?”  Our only purpose for being is: “To be love and to love ourselves and others unconditionally.”

Trust is Love, for when we are able to trust ourselves; we embody the highest possible level of unconditional love for ourselves. You recognize: “I am safe” in listening and following my heart and intuition and I cannot get hurt as I have no expectations and or conditions.  It also says; I am knowing who I am, what my truth is, and I will honor that knowing no matter what.  I do not need to please anyone else to feel loved.  Pure Love and Trust is the soul’s connection to source energy.  To trust means to listen and follow your heart – even if it does not make logical sense.  It means honoring who we are even if others don’t agree and they become upset with us for not accepting their point of view or living up to their expectations.

The dualistic disempowering energies are doubt and distrust.  Doubt creates distrust and clouds our connection to our heart of Love.  Doubt disconnects us from our truth and freezes us from any forward movement.  It creates limiting beliefs that cause a whole story to unfold like an old tape, running over and over again.  At some point, many of us experience a betrayal of our trust whereupon the seeds of doubt and distrust begin to sprout.  Then, little by little, our hearts close as we build walls around it.  We not only began to distrust others but, more importantly, we begin to doubt our own capacity for making empowered choices.

So how does the Self Healing Self fit into this?

I invite you embrace the understanding and knowing that there are two parts within your being-ness that operate at all times.  One has its foundation rooted in fear and the other in Love.  The first experiences fear, drama, trauma, suffering, pain and doubt; transient energies feed by outside sources.  The other knows only Love, joy, peace, acceptance and complete trust, seeing the perfection in all that is, for it is nourished from the well of the Eternal Source within.

We are all birthed of the One Source of all Creation.  As we became individuated parts of the All-ness, we traveled on our long journey away from Source.  We were gifted with a personal self or “ego,” as many name it.  Over time we have allowed the ego to take over running our emotions. This ego can only create in fear for it is attached to the body and not to Source because when we leave the physical vessel it will cease to exist.  The other Self, the Authentic God-Self, is eternal and always fully connected to the Divine, whether we are aware of it or not.  Trust and unconditional Love derive from Soul which is infinitely constant.  Doubt and fear are of the ego self and are therefore dependent on an outside source.

When we no longer trust others it is only a reflection of what we are not trusting in ourselves.  To the degree we cannot trust ourselves we continually doubt our intuition and seek advice, opinion and direction from others.  In doing so we give away our own power while at the same time we withhold love from ourselves.  When we let doubt in, we open the door to deeper levels of separation from the love that we are, from Source and from our fellow human beings.  When we give our power away to others the “self” grows more fearful.  We become very dis-empowered and hesitant to trust.    It does not trust others and sometimes not even God/Source.

How do I love and trust myself when the world around me tells me otherwise?

When we live in the victim consciousness there is no trust and very little self love.  As we believe so we attract for everything is vibration and we are magnets for all we believe.  The only way to change it is, first, to become aware that we are doubting and distrustful and then to be willing to become committed to having the courage and spiritual tenacity to choose to live in Trust and Love again.  Trusting and unconditional loving takes courage for it has become unfamiliar.   Choosing to live in trust and love invites us to connect more deeply with our Soul-self.  As we become aware of our doubts and fears we can offer our unconditional Love to the ego-self, as we would to a frightened child, and support it in feeling safer, to relax a little and enjoy the journey home to our Truth.

Trust and unconditional Love is a choice and spiritual lifestyle and the more we affirm “I love,” “I trust,” “I am love,” “I am trust in action at all times” the more our outer lives will reflect that Love and Trust.

Here are two more simple practices that will support you in bringing you back into your heart of Love whenever you feel fear or doubt.

Write this phrase on sticky notes and paste them (I have them everywhere; in my car, wallet, mirrors, computer and bedroom), wherever you know you will see them, and repeat it to yourself each time you glance at them:

“In this moment I trust myself.”

Try this with me as you are reading this.  Place your hands on your heart, breathe and say: “In this moment I trust myself.”  Just notice how that feels…  When we bring our hands to our heart we literally move from our mind into our heart and anchor this ideal ever more deeply into it.   Any time that you feel doubt or fear, bring your hands to heart and say the above phrase.  Keep taking some deep breaths.  You may even choose to breathe consciously while you count to 17.  The number 17 becomes an 8 and it represents your eternal connection with the Divine.

Try this asking yourself this every day:  “What one way can I love myself unconditionally today?”  Get out in nature?   Buy yourself some flowers?  Take time for a bubble bath?  Sit for awhile with your favorite cup of tea doing nothing, just being? Romance yourself?  Just another empowering way to build Trust and Self-Love.

Another great little phrase to write on those sticky notes, and to say often, is this oh so simple one:

”Thank you.” 

When we offer this kind of simple, unconditional and spontaneous Gratitude our hearts open, we enter into wholeness, and there exists only Trust and Love.  Offer gratitude for everything, and I honestly mean everything.  It will change all from fear into Love and guide you to understand that only Trust and Love are real.  This is the first step to your own Self Healing Self.

Blessings on your journey,
Maria Kramer 

Next….  “Judgment to Joy”