Vibrational Essences
Gateways to Harmony, Rejuvenation, Ascension and DeLight
In my heart of hearts, I know that vibrational essences are very powerful. Just as service-oriented humans live and love to give, so do the residents of the other kingdoms. Plants, animals, minerals, stars, and planets all desire to support our evolution into states of perfect health and happiness, and it has become my passion and my work to help them achieve this objective.
The idea is to keep our vibration, our energy, as high as possible. In those states, the lower frequencies (such as illness, hatred and war) don’t exist. They can’t live in the higher frequencies of PEACE, which is the residence of radiant health, joy, and love.
There are many ways to raise our vibrations. It can be beneficial to pay attention to what we eat and drink, to our words, our thoughts, our breath, to our choices of music, movement, mantras… the list goes on. I am going to talk about a couple of the flower and gemstone essences that have always been helpful for me.
After many happy years as the chief technologist and director of the School of Nuclear Medicine at the biggest hospital in Santa Barbara, I woke up one day with the strong feeling I had to leave that good job and go in search of whatever was going to be next. (There is a much longer version of this story in my book, Bliss and Blessings.)
The Bach flower essences were one of my first discoveries on this new path. Flower and other vibrational essences are energy frequencies that have been transferred to water in a Co-creational process with Nature and I fell totally in love with them. Metaphorically speaking, if essential oils are analogous to the blood of a plant, flower essences are comparable to the soul of that plant.
Of course, I had no trouble accepting the idea of vibrational medicine. The field of Nuclear Medicine is based on the healthful use of radioactive isotopes that you can’t see, hear, touch, taste or smell, and yet are capable of permeating all solid objects, (with the exception of lead). I soon began to explore gemstone essences, and then I expanded my study to encompass the vibrations of dolphins, whales, otters, and the Hale Bopp comet. Somehow, I just knew that these essences and this form of healing could play an important role in our collective evolutionary development.
Body Mind Spirit
Essences are helpful for bringing emotional patterns back into balance and are also brilliant for dealing with related physical conditions. They are also exceptional for feeding the Spirit and for enhancing our connection to the soul. One generally takes them on or under the tongue (sublingually) or they may be used topically. Sometimes they are added to other preparations, such as in essential oil sprays. What I want to address here is the use of vibrational essences for attaining higher states of consciousness.
Orchids are considered to be the most evolved of the flowering plants. The last to arrive, they hold the information of everything that came before them. They are very adaptable and their DNA is comparable to that of dolphins, and humans. Consequently, the first essences that I made were from orchids found in the Andes, and in particular, from the sacred environment of Machu Picchu, Peru.
Initially, I took the “Pineal Light Infusion” orchid essence for several months before I was prompted to take the Orchid essence we call the Pituitary Master. I’ve also used these, along with the Selenite gemstone essence as a ritual bridge to help create the sacred marriage of the pituitary and pineal glands.
I continued to be guided to take the Pineal Essence for a length of time and then to add the Pituitary and Selenite essences once again. It seems as though, for me, that I reach a plateau, then integrate my intellectual understanding and then take another step forward.
Anyone who is interested in the awakening and strengthening of these glands can create their own sacred ceremonies with these essences. Their use is a very intuitive thing. It is something we can become really good at – when we learn to trust ourselves and what we know.
There are essences for just about everything, including illness and disease. The flower essences work primarily with the emotions associated with challenges, while the gemstones lean more towards the physical anatomy, although they do overlap somewhat. For instance, since disease was rare in Atlantis and Lemuria, both types of essences were used primarily for attaining higher states of consciousness.
Today, we are once again learning the value of these beautiful helpers. They can assist in awakening us to our spiritual gifts. They can also be instrumental in releasing that which no longer serves us; our old patterns. In fact, they can be used in a myriad of interesting ways, including socially. Ceremonial events in which essences are used just seem to attain a higher vibe and are more Grace filled. You can even put them in a party punch. The results will be subtle yet profound. It’s great when we cultivate our connection to essences and use them in interesting ways such as these to raise our frequencies.
The essence creation process itself is a highly ceremonial one. If you feel called to use them, but don’t want to jump right in and create your own, you may want to explore the wide variety of specialty brands available to you commercially. The important thing is that you do USE them as you are learning about them. This is the only way to come to know them personally. Additionally, this also makes all of Nature happy, as those therein truly love to share their gifts. It is up to us to reach out to them.
Have you taken your essences today?