Archive for May, 2014

A Happy and Challenging Solar Return

Posted May 5, 2014 By johnny

Don’t ask me why, but I have been given to share the astrological chart of my 72nd Solar Return on the Blog.  I am both uncomfortable and secure as I do so.  Dichotomy, that.  But I know why this directive has been laid down for me: time to step up and actually BE All That, and time to make a public statement of my Conscious Intent to do so.  And so, without further ado, and promising commentary following, I give you my Solar Return chart, set for where I live now in the High Desert of Southern California. 

Johnny's 2014 Solar Return

I have several astrological friends from whom who I invite comment, but let me give you the basics of what I see here, and therefore expect to be characteristic of the coming 12 to 15 months for me.  Actually, as Mary Shea tells us in Planets in Solar Returns, the affect may be felt within the three months prior to the beginning and upon the end of the Solar Return year. Read the remainder of this entry »