Archive for June, 2014

Solar Hi-Jinks

Posted June 12, 2014 By johnny

I had the pleasure of meeting Michael Erlewine in the Summer of 1993 when I traveled up to Big Rapids, Michigan to the then headquarters of Matrix Software, which he had founded.  Matrix  was a leader and innovator in the then relatively new field of astrological computer print-outs, and Michael was THE man to speak to about such matters. 

I was going to produce an infomercial that would follow along the standard format for one, featuring a “certified expert” (a well known female astrologer) and what is referred to in the biz as “the talent,” a well known and very masculine television star.

I had commissioned a market research survey to test the viability of such a venture, and as a point of comparison, the survey company used the variety of Psychic Networks that were so ubiquitous at the time.  When the results of that survey showed a very favorable response to getting an individualized chart print-out plus a three month astrological forecast as opposed having a 10 minute phone chat with a “psychic,”  I decided to go to the person who was then the most likely man on the planet to have what I wanted.

Understanding immediately what I wanted, Michael said that he could accommodate me.  All I had to do was to raise the necessary 5.5 million dollars in venture capital to finance the production runs, telemarketing and to buy TV time for the “Star Power International’s” infomercial ramp up costs. Can you guess how that one turned out?

But Michael Erlewine was not finished with me.  Or should I say, I was not finished with him.  You see, some five years later, on the morning of August 28, 1998, I was scanning the future using one of my astrological programs, looking for a specific aspect pattern known as a “Mystic Rectangle,” an aspect pattern that Michael had been bringing to the attention of the astrological community since his 1975 work with aspect patterns.

As I day stepped through the astrological future, I found myself looking at a planetary sequence that in early November of 2003 would not only form multiple Mystic Rectangles, but that, I saw, would lead ultimately to a Grand Sextile or Grand Hexagram pattern, replete with three Mystic Rectangles and including a Total Lunar eclipse for good measure.  Thus was born the Harmonic Concordance.  Thanks, Michael, for implanting the MRs in my brain.  Without knowing about them, I wouldn’t be sitting here today.

But Michael, whose own brain must be locomotive sized, has long been involved in a multiplicity of subjects.  He’s own Blog is always a worthwhile read and this excerpt is from his latest post on the Spirit Groove Dharma Grooves site addresses yet another reason we ought to look to our star, the Sun, its condition and implications for we Earth folk.

His piece is entitled:


MESolar flares continue to roll in, although only the three X-Class flares so far. Two M-Class flares (2nd highest class) occurred Wednesday, June 11th.  Some of you have written asking for a better understanding of how massive solar influx affects our sense of self, so here are some comments. 

What we call our “self,” while tenacious as hell in terms of its attachments, is still a relatively fragile construct. The Buddhists point out that although what we call the “Self” has no true existence and is but a useful fabrication, it is “permanent” in its function as a control center or glorified personal secretary. If we did not have a self, we would have to invent one, which is exactly what we have done. However, the self is a “persona delicata,” so to speak, and easily upset, as we all should well know.

We are all used to the more gradual influx of solar energy and information via the rays of sunlight each day and have built our routine and consciousness around that level of solar change. When a massive surge of solar energy (such as a solar flare takes place), we are almost instantly inundated not only externally (radio and communications interrupts) but also internally, consciousness-wise, and this house of cards we call a self is the first to break down.

Please do have a read of the rest of Michael’s call to awareness of our coming inner changes, HERE.  After all, forewarned is forearmed.