Tell A Friend

August 30

I want to express my thanks to each one of you who have signed on at the Harmonic Concordance Anniversary facebook page or, in fact, here.  All the more, the merrier. There are some 70 days remaining before November 8th. Not enough time, I know, but it is what it is.

So I’m here to enlist each and every one of you to “tell a friend…” in the service of making the Anniversary “go viral.” And not at all for my sake.

You see, as far as I can tell, the really major Being in these parts is MOTHER EARTH. And that sacred Being is under some viscous attack, now so more than ever. Much of this largely man-made damage has been inflicted since late 2003. I could probably dig up many other examples, but let’s list at least these Top Ten:

> The Gulf of Mexico oil spills and resulting ongoing Dead Zone
> The Tennessee Coal Ash Spill: 1.1 BILLION gallons of byproduct from coal combustion covered
300 acres of the surrounding Countryside.
> The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and consequent death of all manners of Sea Life
> The near run-away practice of fracking and consequent poisoning of land and water tables
> Climate change
> Harp playing around with HER frequencies
> Weather manipulation
> Rapidly dwindling supplies of potable water
> Toxic chemtrails criss-crossing skies worldwide and
> The Honey Bee die off
…and I’m sure there are others that you know of too.

This fouling of land sea and sky all indicates a pretty serious serious battering, no? Could you take it if your own bodily mother were being choked, stabbed, mounted, shat upon and penetrated at will by… well you know by whom.

All of which brings me back to the Concordance Anniversary, its “Core Intents” and my call to you to help spread the word about it. You see, if there is a concerted effort (really, non-effort) by large numbers of Creator Self-Conscious people who truly understand and commit to the ideal of Unity Consciousness who enter into one unified moment, imagine the Power of THAT One to create a healing of our Mother and shield her from further insults, defilement and rape.

In Gratitude and the ONE Heart,