A Blog Up-Date

As we head into just the eighth week of The Concordance Blog’s life, I’d like to drop in a note about what has been happening here, what I’m working on just now and a look at what we might accomplish in the future.

I began publishing the Blog on February 3rd (a good electional day in terms of astrology), primarily due to an urging from Anne L Smith, with who partnered with me on the Harmonic Concordance 10th Anniversary of this past November.  Anne not only saw the potential for the Concordance message as an enduring legacy for mankind, but she also envisioned me doing something to keep that message active, at least within the world-wide Spiritual and Metaphysical communities.

It took me several months of “under the covers” work to be ready for that launch date.  There was the design and construction of the site, which meant that I had to learn as much as I could in a short period of time about the multi-faceted WordPress platform.  Scratched the surface of it, I have. 😉

In setting the main objective for the Blog, I decided to set a rather lofty goal: that this blog attains recognition as the “clearing house” on the web for “Conversations with Spirit.”  To do that, the Blog would have to offer a wide range of Spiritually oriented “Themes” spoken for by a similarly wide range of “Voices.”  Thanks to what amounts to a world-wide web exposure garnered through my efforts on behalf of The Harmonic Concordance, I had come across many individuals who, like myself, hew closely to the belief that Spirit works as an active partner in our lives.  I began calling upon several to enlist them in this project.  So there was that to do prior to launch.

At launch, we had gathered a dozen or so “Voices” who understood what the Blog was going to try to achieve and who each had signed on to submit three articles during the calendar year.  Along the way, we lost a couple but picked up others of like mind and today we are some 17 strong.  As things stand now, we will be able to unfailingly publish one new piece every Monday.  As more Voices come on board we will publish additional “Conversations” each week.

Today, of course, I’m posting this up-date and also issuing a call to any other Voices who might like to join our “Family of Voices” and to contribute their own unique Theme to our roll.  Or if you, dear reader, know of anyone whose ideas might find a suitable venue here, please do hook us up.

The future, I hope, holds an expansion of the reach of the Blog along with the expanded roster.  I will also begin publishing a bi-monthly newsletter, the first issue to be ready to go on April Fool’s Day.  You’ll be able to sign up for it very soon.  Also in the hopper is a potential blog-cast, again, with the aim of having a regularly scheduled on-air Conversation with Spirit and the various Voices who have joined us.

Finally, if you are so inclined, you can help this new Concordance Blog grow and reach its potential.  Share this message and the Blog address (HCBlog.org) to any and all folks you know who might want to tune into what we are saying here.

In Gratitude and the ONE Heart,
Johnny Mirehiel