About Johnny Mirehiel

Hi, and thanks for stopping by this iteration of The Harmonic Concordance website and Blog..  My name is Johnny Mirehiel.  I present this site because it allows me an opportunity to share my personal exploration of three separate but related paths on my Journey into Self-Conscious Awareness: the Red Road, The Harmonic Concordance and an on-going 45 year study of the role of Spirit in this seeker’s life.  The confluence of those three areas of interest results, for me, in a unique, interdependent and tri-focal point of view.  Allow me to connect those dots.

I spent some 27 years as a junior/senior high school Reading and English teacher before my retirement in 1992.  In that capacity, I became a department chairperson, ran several “new” programs, one of which was an experimental “open school” within a school, organized “Great Moral Issues” programs for our school district, served as the chair of the Suffolk County Chapter of Educators for Social Responsibility, an off-shoot of the more widely known Physicians for Social Responsibility, and I was honored with the designation of “Man of the Year in Education” in the Long Island town in which I worked.  In 1970 I began an earnest study of astrology, which I took up as a practitioner and teacher on a full time basis following my retirement from public education.

Over the years I have studied under teachers and in many and diverse beliefs, philosophies and theories about Consciousness.  My explorations have covered a wide variety of interests including, but not limited to, The Upanishads and Vedas, Buddhism, Numerology, I-Ching, Tarot, Transcendental Meditation, Huna, EST, Seth, The Urantia BookA Course in Miracles, Billy Meier’s Pleiadian teachings, Holographic and Electric Universe theories, various Mystery Schools, the Red Road, Ascended Mastership, Sacred Geometry, Quantum Jumping, Loving Kindness, and The Ascended Relationship, as well as several schools of astrological thought.

Publicly, however, the name “Mirehiel” (my name as found in the Akashic Records) is probably most widely known in association with The Harmonic Concordance, which I quite literally stumbled upon in late August of 1998.  In the ensuing years I have taught about it both nationally and internationally and, of course, on the Web.  The geocentric astrological chart of the Total Lunar Eclipse of November 8, 2003 depicts an unmistakable hexagonal configuration embracing what is known, esoterically, as the Seal of Solomon, also recognized as the Star of David, an ancient symbol with origins in deepest antiquity, of divinely inspired wisdom.  The Concordance message, as I explicated it, is three-fold: it is a perfect moment for the realization of Unity Consciousness, our own rôle as Divine Agents of Creation and, importantly, the sacredness of Mother Earth.

Recently, I have begun working with the energies of The 9 Directions, which is my personal interpretation of one aspect if Native American Spirituality, the Medicine Wheel.  My figurative journey around the Medicine Wheel provided me a perspective on the individual elements of my “whole” person, in the service of coming to know more fully Who I Am.   In this pursuit I seek to fulfill the injunction of the Delphic Oracle: Man, know Thyself.

My three tiered understanding is not hierarchical.  For me, one field is as important as the others, and each is connected to each.  The Concordance, for instance, gave me a look at the qualities which, in the language of astrology, described an expression of a Perfect Master of Wisdom.  My peripatetic studies also equipped me with a storehouse of Spiritual teachings that I liberally applied to the message I found in the Concordance.  And my meditative Red Road practices gave me a way to understand, feel and teach about our connections to Spiritual Wholeness.

The foundational study of the role of Spirit in my life, has led me to embrace the widely accepted, though not universally held belief that, in one form or another, in one dimension or another and in one time or another, we all are spiritual beings having a unique physical experience.  Further, those physical expressions all find their roots in the vast and all pervasive field of Consciousness.  This Anniversary site will be my attempt to promote the Spiritual teachings in and around the Harmonic Concordance along with an effort to prompt thought, discussion and interaction on the very nature of Consciousness and Selfhood.