
You may know Hilarion as one of the Corps of Ascended Masters who have been present throughout Hu-mankind’s long sojourn upon Earth.  And indeed, he is all that.  But for Anne Smith, he has also become a close working partner, a Truth saying Mentor and friend for the last 15 years of her own Journey to Enlightenment.  Here, under this tab, Anne will be sharing his latest “transmissions” and will continue to do so as we move forward into the future’s Now.  Hilarion’s direct, no nonsense approach, laced with a dollop of wry humor, is always on point and flows naturally along the lines of Spiritual Self-Awareness teachings.  Same stuff of which the Concordance is made, says me.  (As a matter of fact, he and his Buds in the Corps probably had a hand in designing of the whole thing anyway.)  And it was he who suggested listing his posts under the heading, Hilarionisms.  Funny guy, that.  

Anne’s own website, The Sharinghouses the catalogue of his wide ranging commentaries.   And while there you can check out the Dynamic duo’s first book, The Sharing: The Owner’s Manual for Being Human.