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Earth Day 2015

Back in them good ole days, 1970 to be exact, I was teaching at a junior high school on Long Island when I was “volunteered” to head up the school’s Earth Day program, a first time experiment that many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement.  In doing some background work on the events of the day, I came across the name, Jose Arguelles who was heading up events for the day at UC, Davis.  Jose  was to go on to become the main cog in the August, 1987 event called The Harmonic Convergence (after which I named The Harmonic Concordance because of the similar Spiritual nature of his event and how I understood the Concordance.)

Skipping ahead some 35 years, last night I was reminded of the latest iteration of Earth Day by a post from a friend, which led me to the Facebook page for The Master Shift, which in turn led me to the Forest Nation’s Earth Day page.

So what’s the connection?  For those who do not know about The Harmonic ConcordanceI would just like to tell you that one of the three main takeaways from my explication of the astrological chart which was the impetus for those celebrations was the sacredness of Mother Earth.   Prayers of for Her healing were put forth under that Total Lunar Eclipse by millions of people in the world wide Spiritual and Metaphysical communities.  

Unfortunately, since then things have not gone so smoothly for our beloved Mother.  We’ve witnessed tsunamis, devastating hurricanes, the Gulf oil spill, Fukushima, and almost unchecked fracking to name but a few environmental disasters and slights. 

But now we have a concrete example of something that we can do to give back to that sacred Being.  We can join with thousands of others on our global community on Earth Day 2015 in a “give back to Earth” event, as an “offering” and “thank you” for all our beautiful blue Planet gives us.  The goal is to plant one billion seeds/trees.  The folks at The Master shift are asking that we plant something that is organic, perennial and suitable to the growing conditions in your area.  As the Forrest Nation’s website says:

It’s an old Native American tradition that when you take something from the Earth you must 
put something back.  Earth Day 2015 will be a global Give back to Earth event, 
as an offering 
for all that the planet gives us

Won’t you consider joining Jan and me, on April 22nd, Earth Day 2015, in planting something appropriate where you live, as a give back and blessing for our Beloved Mother, from whom we all come?
