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From My Collection of Gems.

It’s great having this platform to be able to share something of what I’ve learned on my Journey with Spirit.  Part of that sharing will be keeping a “running dialogue” of items I have found useful.  I have already begun sharing some of those items in the first of the series, “I’ve Been Reading” and “Worthwhile Connections.”

In this series of posts, I’ll be sharing some of the Spiritual “gems”  that I’ve found along the way.  Some will be familiar, others, I expect, not so.  They will include a wide range of material, from “classical” spiritual literature, to channeled works, to scientific explorations, to philosophical tomes, to Youtube videos and to works that carry simple words of pure Wisdom.  So let me start there.

Isaac George is another of the blessed people who I’ve met during my Harmonic ConcorDance.  He “gets” the Dance. And he’s a pretty sage dude.  Take a look at his wee book, What Really Matters.   

Isaac describes it as “…an insightful collection of spiritual perspectives that addresses the most significant issues facing individual and collective humanity  during this important time of transformation and change on the planet. It’s a simple and friendly guidebook to discovering the true nature of our being as Infinite Consciousness.”

One reader says:  “This is probably one of the very best summaries of those big and little truths about who we are, how we are, and our incredible potential as sleepy beings of light. The book is short, easily absorbed and very thought provoking. Every word is essential.”

I say, thanks, Isaac.  Your simple wisdom is a true Gem.