The Always Brilliant Joyce Mason

Writing on her blog, The Radical Virgo, Joyce Mason, that brilliant astrologer, gifted story teller, and acknowledged authority on all things Chiron, has put up a recent post, “A Very Cosmic Vision,” which would direct the attention of her readers to a facebook page, Universal Meditations for Peace.  Joyce writes:

“…The premise is simple. We create our world by our thoughts. The organizer,
Sokhna Fatima Fall, invites as many people as possible around the world to
meditate together for 10 minutes weekly.  The intent is to envision and help
manifest a peaceful, beautiful world that works…”

Please have a look at her post, not only for more details on that Meditation, but also to check out her own vision of what that practice might produce for us:

I see the Earth from space in that classic vantage point from the Moon.
It’s surrounded by misty, flattened and curling figure-eights, shimmers
of light that remind me of the Aurora Borealis. They are pink and green
in color, the colors of the heart chakra. In a layer beyond the pink and
green is a pure, white pulsing aura that encircles the earth, protecting
and literally en-lighten-ing it.

An amazing thing has happened. It’s tomorrow morning, and everyone
on Earth has woken up to a new vibration. The world is literally different.
Wars have halted, hate has melted. Everyone sees the humanity in each
other and is tapped into the love in their hearts. The whole human race
knows that we are One. Everyone is their brother, sister, mother, father—friend…”

I would encourage you to read the full piece on her Blog, where you can also find information about her upcoming series: Thrival” Kits for the PUNC Planets:

“In my last post about the Harmonic Concordance Blog, I talked about
the importance of the last step—the action we need to take in order to
materialize the promises of the heavens. To make our lives and their
astrological ups-and-downs meaningful, we have to work with shifting
planetary tides. In celebration of that idea and to help make that work
easier for you, I’m putting together a short “kit” with ideas for navigating
transits of the outer planets, the ones that ask us for the deepest changes.
The practices and core concepts in the kits (posts) can be applied not just
to transits but also to natal overloads of these energies … or any time a
transit of another planet is lighting up the natal outer planet…”

I tell ya, this lady has got her stuff together!