Co-Creative Healing I

Manny & Jim

Robbie and Bill Spransy

“Each separate being in the Universe returns to the common source.  Returning to the
source is serenity.  If you don’t realize the source, you stumble in confusion and sorrow.
When you realize where you come from, you naturally become tolerant.”      ~ Lao Tsu

Bill & Robbie Spransy

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a way we could each wrest control of our individual health from the indifference of a medical profession to whom we are, ultimately, merely statistics (a hypothetical question best posed and answered in a hospital clinic) to a deeper and more profoundly balanced level of health, devoid of practitioners who always seem to be practicing?  In short, there is, and it’s known as Co-Creative Healing.  In order to understand this (new) healing dynamic, one should go back to the beginning.

Creation |krē|ā|SHən|noun
1. the action or process of bringing something into existence: the creation of a coalition government | job creation.
2. the bringing into of existence of the universe, esp. when regarded as an act of God.
…..3. everything so created; the universe: our alienation from the rest of Creation.”

It follows then, according to the second definition, that Co-Creation must have its roots in the Creation event itself.

During the last century, the scientific community declared this, and every other Universe, began with bang, a really big one.  My supposition is that in 1931 Georges Lemaitre, a Belgian cosmologist (and Catholic Priest) came up with the term Big Bang Theory as much as a reaction to the times in which he lived as to his theory of an ever expanding Universe.   After all, the Twentieth Century was a time of tremendous scientific achievement and discovery and his theory was quickly adopted by the likes of Einstein and Plank.

Just as the world at large is still served by the gasoline-fueled internal combustion engine first patented by Karl Benz in 1886, so still does the “Big Bang Theory” serve the scientific community.  Ironically, Lemaitre’s theory defines a mechanistic universe devoid of Spirit and subject to an inevitable entropic collapse.  And just like how gasoline engine has run its course, so has the notion that Creation was an impersonal event governed solely by physics and string theories.

As I see it, our Co-Creative Universe began, not with a bang but with a simple Word, according to the author of Genesis  The Bavaghad Gita declared the Word was (and is) OM.  Not really a bang-bang sound, OM sounds more like a whisper, and when drawn out slowly it sounds like a moan of pleasure.   So much so, that OM could be described as the sounds which escape the breath at the moment of a peak sexual experience, the orgasm.  The Word, in essence, was the sound of the climax of the Divine Orgasm.

The energetic vibration released by the Word produced the seeding of this, our Co-Creative Universe.  As Creation’s sound faded (but not it’s eternal vibration), this Universe ( and who knows how many countless others) was born and with it ALL of the galaxies and stars, planets and moons, ocean and seas, the birds, the bees and – you and me, all found form out of the formless, consciousness out of the Void.  If we are, as theoreticians have proclaimed, truly the stuff of the stars, then we are surely inheritors of Divine consciousness.  At the awakening of each of our own individual consciousness, comes the birth of our own co-creative reality.

The potential for the healing of our planet and our own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies rests in this reality.  Rather the potential for healing lays here codified by our own intention and realized through our own intuition.  The balance we all seek lies within this reality. 

Within this universally shared consciousness lies the root of all Co-Creation.  Co-Creative
science is the study of reality and how it works from Nature’s perspective and by human and
nature working together in a peer, balanced relationship

Unlike the Creation event itself, co-creation is not limited to our five senses.  Co-creation must be viewed as an one would an onion, where one layer of consciousness begets many layers, one level, multi-levels.  Therefore, co-creation must be defined, not only through our peer-based relationship with Nature, but also as with our conscious-based relationship with our Spirit/Higher Self. 

Over the past thirteen years I’ve been blessed to play a small silent role in numerous Divine healings conducted through my wife, Robbie’s, loving touch.  Just as each individual is but a petal on the Lotus blossom of Beingness, so too is each healing unique unto itself.  Over time Rob and I have come to recognize the thread of commonality that exists between each session. 

Robbie HealingRobbie preforming a Co-Creative Healing.   The lighting effects are completely natural and un-doctored.   

Two stories come to mind in hopes of illustrating the co-creative thread which binds (us all).  The first, Manny’s story, taught Robbie and me about the nature of balance within Nature.  The second, Jim’s story, greatly underscored the role intention plays in our healing work.


We were asked one day if we would be open to do a healing on a former thoroughbred racehorse.  We had previously done healings for dogs and cats, but racehorses? This would be a first so we said sure, why not?

 Beautiful chestnut-colored Manny had developed a persistent foot infection and his racing days were over.  The only question at the time was whether Manny was “worth” saving or not, and the high desert stable where he was living was literally to be his last stop.

Walking towards his stall, we saw a horse so obviously beaten down that he was paying no attention to the palomino munching on the oats hanging on his stall.   The humbled equine was led from his stable to a stand-alone paddock where his handler tied him up.

Robbie started petting him, gently telling him that she was there to do healing work with him, if she had his permission.  Manny’s energy was really low-key that as Robbie knelt down and put her hands around his left front ankle.  After a couple of minutes of transmitting Divine healing energy through her loving hands, Robbie stood up and guided to put her hands upon his muscular “shoulders”.

The only way she could figure to do that was to put her arms around his neck, as if in a hug.  Manny’s ears began to perk up during the healing began and when Robbie began to hug him, he leaned his neck against Robbie’s.  And there they stood, for a couple of minutes, in as warm a hugging embrace as I’ve ever seen.

Like most magical moments, when this one ran its course and embrace was over, there were tears in the eyes of everyone who had seen this amazing scene.  Not being able to top that, we knew it was time to go and we said goodbye to the shy, quiet thoroughbred, telling Manny that we would see him soon.

We remind everyone who comes to Robbie for a healing that it continues for three days after she takes her hands away and tells them to just follow their intuition as to what to do over that period.  The following morning, as we spoke with each other about Manny, his energy, the embrace and the love she felt with Manny, compelled and plain loving curiosity, decided to ignore our own ”3-day” advice and went to visit Manny again.

Walking up to his stall that day showed us that Manny was feeling better, a whole lot better.  As we walked up, we saw him fiercely baring his teeth, and chasing away the neighboring palomino away from his oat bag. His disposition matched his energy and he was no longer in the mood for tolerating fools or oat-stealing stable mates. Robbie leaned down to hold Manny’s ankle and he tolerated it for about twenty seconds when he made it abundantly clear he was no longer interested in continuing. Manny’s energy had returned and was that was the end of that healing.

The next time we ran across the friend who had set the session up he told us Manny was healed during that one session and he had been moved to a horse rescue community.  Quite frankly, we had been stunned to see Manny regain his vitality, literally overnight, and sought to understand why that healing could have been so complete and so fast.

We were led to understand that Nature, in Its most pristine state, only knows, and thus lives in, a state of complete balance.  When Nature finds itself out of balance It will always take the most direct means of re-achieving it.  One key, we reasoned, was Manny, and indeed all of Nature, except Man, is devoid of any ego which has his own ideas and regarding balance.  

A second and equally important, if not the most important key is the role Manny’s own intention played in his healing.  Being devoid of ego but endowed with the intention of perfect health, Manny was able to achieve his balanced healing so quickly.

*     *     *


In another instance, the role personal responsibility and intention, (passionately) expressed through prayer, was demonstrated for us when we met Jim.

We received a call from another friend who asked if we were available that coming Friday for a healing.  After agreeing on time and place for Friday, we recognized that her friend, Jim, was someone we had met a few years earlier . He seemed physically fine that time but this day found Jim in excruciating pain from the ravages of scoliosis, a condition brought about by neuromuscular tensions.  He was doubled over by the pain and needed to grab every piece of furniture within reach for support as he slowly made his way down to the room where Robbie was setup. 

We helped him onto the motel room’s bed where he laid in the fetal position.  Rob opened the session with a prayer thanking Mother-Father God for allowing her to be an instrument in this Divine Healing of Jim.  She ended that prayer with the declaration, “It is through your faith, that you are healed”.  

At session’s end, he thanked us and said the healing had helped some and he was feeling a little bit better than when he arrived.  Before departing, we explained that the healing would continue on for three days and that he should pay attention to what his body might be telling him intuitively.  In thanking us, Jim handed Robbie a fifty page tome that he had written on his Faith and his relation with Jesus and Creation.  Leaving, it was abundantly clear he was still in extreme pain and was struggling with every step as he made his long way back to his pickup truck.  At his truck, he requested that we come to his home on Monday for a follow-up session.

On Monday we arrived at the appointed time, walked up the front steps and knocked on his front door.  The door opened and there stood Jim, ramrod straight.  We were, in a word, stunned.  Incredulously, we asked what had he done over the weekend; had he made a visit to an emergency room, or somehow made an appointment with a physician on the weekend? 

After all, the last time we had seen him, he was struggling to walk, much less stand up straight. He said he had just stayed home praying and doing what we had asked him to do, paying particular attention to what his body needed at the time.  He then cordially invited us in and we did the follow-up we’d promised, but it really wasn’t necessary.  He was fine.

Afterwards, we asked him what he thought could possibly have been the key to his rapid recovery.   He told us that prior to meeting us for the Friday session, he had simply prayed in advance, expressing his gratitude for his upcoming healing.  It was, it seems, Jim’s prayerful intention, starting with his sincere thanks to his Godhead for whatever was to come, which provided the perfect “pitch” for his remarkable recovery.

In these extraordinary times requiring extraordinary solutions, co-creative healing steps up to the plate in grand fashion.  If you’re ready for an awakening to accompany you at the dawn of this Golden Age, Robbie and I encourage you to visit the writings of Machelle Small Wright at


CO-CREATIVE SCIENCE, Machaelle Small Wright, Perelandra Press, 1997


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