Crystal Wisdom III

How to Choose a Crystal
Deborah Burton

Deborah Burton

Deborah Burton

Let’s say you are in a crystal store or a crystal section of a store, with a sea of crystals before you.  You wonder how in heaven’s name you’re going to find the one (or more) that you would like to take home with you.  What do you do?  People use many methods to choose crystals.

 Some people use a Pendulum.  They ask the Pendulum if the crystal is suited for them, and the Pendulum will answer “yes” or “no” (and sometimes “maybe”).  This is a great method if you are good with a Pendulum.  This is a good skill to learn, by the way!

Some people can put  their hands over crystals, one at a time, and the “right” crystal will heat up for them.  They can feel it in their hands.

I try to be generally open to receive messages in any way they come to me, especially with the crystals.  Crystals have all kinds of ways to communicate with us.

Most of the time, I let my hand pick.  I somehow manage to dis-connect my brain from my hand and let my hand connect to the ethers above and Mother Earth below to help me find the crystal(s) with the right energy.  I do the same thing when I am picking crystals for customers at the gem and mineral shows.  I often don’t know why I’ve picked a particular crystal or a particular flat of crystals until I get it home and look at the crystal(s) more closely.  My hand picks it because the energy is special, and I find out later why!  This happens more often with the Quartzes than with other crystals.  I get a crystal home and find out it has an incredible Specialty Formation (i.e., Window, Time Link, Spade Tip, Phantom, Bridge, Key) or perhaps two or three Specialty Formations.

Another thing that has happened in my experience is a crystal will sometimes flash light at me in some way, or I will see a Rainbow.  The crystal will show me something unique which draws my attention to it.  I rarely hear words in English, but that has happened, too.  One way or another, the crystals will get your attention.

I also work from photos, and you can too.  When you look at a photo, see if the crystal feels special to you in some way.  If you practice this, it is likely that you can develop this skill.  I now can tell from a photo if I should buy the crystal(s) or not.

If you’re attracted to a crystal and cannot walk away from it, that’s another hint.  That’s happened to me a time or two.  I went to a gem and mineral show years ago in Orlando, Florida when I used to live there.  It might have been the second year I had the business, and there was very little money to buy things for customers.  I came upon a small table at the show filled with all kinds of things, but on one side were several large crystal skulls.  I picked one of them up, probably a Girasol Quartz that weighs about a kilogram (2.2 pounds), and I put him back down again after asking how much he was.  I honestly felt that I really couldn’t purchase something for me that day.

I asked the vendor how much the skull was, and I do not remember what he told me, but it was what I felt was much more than I could spend.  I started to walk away from the table.  Simultaneously, the Crystal Skull started talking to me and was telling me I couldn’t leave him there and that he really did need to come home with me.  I was in a public place with lots of people around me and I couldn’t really tell the skull to be quiet, so I just kept walking away.  Walking away did not stop the skull’s voice in my head, of course.  While all of that was going on, the vendor kept dropping the price until he got to $80.00.  I was laughing because the vendor had no idea the skull was talking to me.   So I bought the skull and brought him home.  I never regretted it.  The crystals get their point across every single time.

So—to this day, I rarely buy crystals for me.  I am guardian to so many, and I don’t seem to feel the need to have a large personal collection.

If you have a tendency to feel overwhelmed when you walk into a crystal store, perhaps this will help you to know that whoever needs to come home with you will let you know in some way!

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