Life Between Lives II

Karmic Healing through the Life Between Lives®

Avis Attaway

Avis Attaway

Avis Attaway

The consciousness of humanity has been slowly evolving over hundreds of thousands of generations, and in the past one hundred years this evolution has led to amazing scientific and technological discoveries.  This has helped to inform and connect us in ways that we never could have imagined possible just a few decades ago.  Yet despite, or perhaps because of this, people are searching for meaning and purpose in a manner unlike any other age.  Not satisfied with traditional belief systems that promulgate rules and static order, there is a hunger for spiritual nourishment and growth.  The evolution of our consciousness has created an increasing awareness of the non-physical universe and what it holds in terms of answers to our questions.

It’s safe to say that every issue that human beings struggle with involves relational patterns.  Our interpersonal relationships are central to our lives.  They are reflections of our intrapersonal relationship – how we relate to ourselves – and will mirror our thoughts and feelings about us.  When we struggle in a relationship, we feel badly about ourselves and this feeds back into the relationship.  It’s a cycle in which many feel stuck and helpless, especially when it sometimes feels as if other forces seem to be at work.

Negative patterns that remain unresolved can drain away life’s energy and well-being, impacting health and creativity.  When we are able to understand these patterns from a deeper spiritual perspective, then we’re able to release our resistance (stress) and to accept our circumstances with grace.  This surrender facilitates spiritual growth and the evolution of our consciousness.

The Life Between Lives® experience offers this perspective.  When one transcends the limitations of the physical-emotional body and the ego, it becomes possible to “see” life from the viewpoint of Spirit.  Zooming-out to the level of the soul’s point-of-view allows for the broader perspective that reveals karmic patterns, as well as those which have been resolved.

AvisThe experience revealed a past life experience with my high school sweetheart.  In our
current life we had spent eight years dating, were engaged and living together when
the relationship began to fall apart.  We spent the next two years dating on and off,
trying to repair the “soul mate” connection we felt we had, only to continue to struggle
and lose ourselves in the chaos of the back and forth.  Whether dating exclusively, non-
exclusively or trying to be friends, it wasn’t working.  We were both too scared and
dependent on the relationship to move on but we were clearly bringing out the worst
in each other. 

The LBL experience I had, which began with the past life regression, revealed to me
why we had such a strong connection, where it originated and how to heal once and for
all.  Ultimately, the sense I had in the months after the LBL was that the relationship had
run its course and because of what the LBL revealed, and the message for healing that I
received, I was finally able to let go.  The LBL experience gave me a sense of personal
security and a confidence that I hadn’t experienced before.  It helped me to mature my
definition of love and realize that part of love is knowing when to release an experience
once it has run its course.  After more than ten years of loving someone without peace or
stability, I took the risk and ended it once and for all.  Two months later, my ex met his
future wife and I began a lasting love with my now fiancé. 

Through my experience in receiving an LBL I was able to make some life altering decisions
that led to the peace and security amidst being in love that I had been searching for.  

Many are looking for an intimate experience of God.  There is an intuitive knowing that this contact can provide the answers to the questions of life.  Sometimes answers come to questions that were not asked.

Life Between Lives work was presented to me at a time when I was questioning my
vocation and life direction.  I saw the LBL session as an opportunity to gain clarity regarding
my life’s purpose and the work that I might do in the next phase of my life.
  Surprisingly, the
LBL session did not reveal to me any significant guidance surrounding the questions I had
brought with me to the session.  No great revelations about what I should or should not be
doing, no earth shattering insights about the meaning of my life.  

Instead, the surprise came when my parents showed up.  As people, I know these souls as
individuals who abused and then abandoned me at a very young age, leaving me alone to
raise myself.  Through years of therapy and spiritual work, I felt that a state of forgiveness
had been reached and I had moved on.  I knew and understood that at the level of spirit,
they loved me and that I loved them.  And then, within the experience of an LBL session,
they presented themselves in pure spirit.

The love I experienced in that moment is so far beyond any love I have ever experienced
that I can only call it Divine and Holy; it was a love that exists between three souls who
know each other well and travel together always, who love, support and care for each
other, and who ultimately reside in the Divine.  

I remember the tears that flowed down my cheeks and the overwhelming sense of being
so complete and so deeply healed of any past hurts.  I remember the moment where it all
suddenly made sense – my life, challenged by early experiences of being born to parents
who were incapable of loving me – suddenly made sense.  

Clearing karmic patterns by resolving the underlying issues through awareness and understanding, and through an accompanying emotional release has the power to change everything.  This release is an experience that is felt in the body and remembered forever.  It provides comfort, confidence and strength.  It renews the individual with energy and inspiration.

In meeting my soul group, my felt sense in being surrounded by a dozen loving souls was
one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. Some souls I did not know but I felt an
excitement at the thought of one day meeting them. This experience confirmed the inter-
connectedness of us all.  There are not words to describe the deep sense of love and
existential confirmation and protection that I felt in just being with that experience.  Still
to this day I use that memory as a resource for my well-being. 

The most significant thing about my LBL experience was meeting pure spirit.  I don’t really
have the words to explain it.  During the LBL, the experience of pure spirit was continuous.
It was profound to experience my own soul as pure spirit, and to meet the souls of others.
This is not something that can be captured on paper or with words in any form – it is
something that can only be known by experience. 

There are no words to describe the ineffable.  It is something that is just felt and known.  The expansion of the heart in response to the experience of one’s own soul, as well as of others whom we’ve known and loved, can be felt in the deepest part of one’s being.  It is permanently life-changing.

The experience left me with a lasting impression about the grand miracle of life while
at the same time better recognizing the spiritual essence of what this physical existence
is all about. 

A Life Between Lives experience will give you the information (and the love) that
you need the most. Enter with expectations or no expectations, belief or doubt –
it doesn’t matter.  Spirit is waiting.  Love is waiting. –S

A journey into your own Life Between Lives® has the potential to provide insights and understanding about your current life path, as well as the awareness of the karmic issues for resolution that will allow for the growth of your soul.  Connection with your spiritual essence, your core self, is the opportunity to experience the Presence of the transcendence and the immanence of Spirit.

© Avis Attaway, 2015

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