Medicine Ways III

Year End Reflections

Valerie Eagle Heart

Humankind has not woven the web of life.  We are but one thread within it.  Whatever we do
to the web we do to ourselves.  All things are bound together.  All things connect.
~ Chief Seattle

Valerie Eagle Heart

As the we approach the end of this year, 2014 I find myself reflecting on the past 12 months and all that has transpired.  We have accomplished much in this little “community” called Rainbow’s End and I know that each Sacred Step, Prayer Dance, Women’s Teaching Circle, Lodge of Purification, Medicine Wheel Teaching, Gathering and so much more brings us closer to our True Self.

I also acknowledge that, as I take my lessons, blessings, challenges, laughter and tears into my Heart for the Truth of what I am teaching myself, that my Spirit grows.  My Prayer is that as the Spirit grows it moves outward, touching the All and Everything, making this World just a little bit better place.

2014 has been a challenging year for many.  I was reminded often that this is a year of the Spiritual Seeker.  What an opportunity for exploration of the beliefs and ways of others knowing that all ways “home” to The Source are good.  I believe when we follow our chosen Path with an open and loving heart, harming none and being true to ourselves, The Source of All recognizes and confirms that we are moving in the right direction.  Any doubts and questions are a good thing.

These help us to look deep within for our personal truth of why we believe as we do.  Deep reflection, and even sometimes tearing our beliefs into a thousand pieces, serves to strengthen or provides us with open doorways through which we may move in a different or better way.

I “closed” 2014 on October 31st.  This was the 25th anniversary of the Apache Vision Quest I was honored to do.  Three days and three nights on a Mountain with my Feathers, my Rattle, the clothes on my back and a blanket to sit on.  That Ceremony changed my life.  On my last night I rattled for Vision and promised to be present in all ways possible for The People.  Wherever I may be, every October 31st, I do my own little Ceremony.  I re-dedicate myself and my life to The Source of All and I begin anew, re-born on November 1st.  In those times, when I’m tired and the road seems just a tad too long, I remind myself of the promise I made and I continue on.

A favorite line from Star Trek… “Make it so, Number One!”  Suggestions for everyone: find a Way that sings in your Heart, that fills you over and over with the Love you are, and always be true to yourself!  Make it so!

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