Medicine Ways VII

Walking Our Talk

Valerie Eagleheart


During one my quiet moments the other day….you know, one of those spaces in time when we “get to” just sit and listen, I was almost overwhelmed with the parade of pictures in my head of how blessed I’ve been along my Path.   I’ve had some of the most incredible teachers.  Some of them have been gentle and allowing.  Others pushed my buttons on all levels.  All gave me exactly what I needed in each moment.  Teachings were shared and it was up to me to apply these.  My beliefs were tested to the core of my being.  These beliefs were questioned countless times with “are these truly mine or do they belong to others?”  After my personal journeys within, not everything that was shared with me had the ring of truth.  Eventually though most of the Teachings were taken into my heart and applied to my life.  Some of the largest, best and hardest lessons were how not to do it! 

I have known practically my entire life that I am a teacher.  I remember when I was 6 or 7 I began lining up a doll or two and a couple of stuffed animals (which included the sorriest looking bunny) taking my tiny chalk board and giving lessons. 

What I choose to share now is what has worked for me.  If you haven’t “been there” or used what you’ve been given it most likely isn’t going to be received and used by others.

I believe that we are allowed to teach through example.  When we “Walk Our Talk” it shows!

In that energy and action of “Walking Our Talk” I came across some personal reflections from 2008.  I had the opportunity to participate in a small way with The Longest Walk 2 which took place from February through July.  The Walk began in San Francisco, California and ended in Washington D.C.

Those who chose to literally Walk Their Talk walked under the banner, “All Life Is Sacred.”  Under this umbrella statement, it was felt that the Walkers had the opportunity to teach all who are willing to learn (including themselves as they walked) about honoring Mother Earth in simple ways.  Cleaning up after themselves wherever they were and literally cleaning up the Earth as they traveled.  Visiting Sacred Sites, including burial grounds, taught the importance of honoring our Ancestors,   acknowledging what they gave while here on Earth and honoring what they left for us.  The Walkers taught us the importance of leaving these Sites whenever possible just as they are.  They brought awareness in those places where human remains, artifacts….pieces of those who’ve gone before us are not being moved in a good way, not being honored.  Through these actions the Walkers taught us we can learn to live in a way that leaves the Earth a good place for the next 7 generations. 

The Long Walk

If I had been in a place in my life where I was able to do the Longest Walk it would have been done in part to acknowledge that each of us is one of the very small pieces making up the whole.  It was an opportunity for those who participated, as one of the small pieces, to be part of something that is larger than the Self by participating in the Sacred Acts of walking and running. 

One of my beliefs is in the inherent goodness of the human being.  No matter how our day-to-day lives unfold, I believe that at the core we strive to live in a way that is right and good.  We strive to make this World a good place.  We want to make a difference to be seen and heard.  What is true for me is those who make the biggest difference are those who speak softly and walk gently.  Each one of us is given the opportunity to teach and share simply by the example of how we live our lives.  I believe that at a certain point in the development of the human species there came an awareness that we are not all there is.  If that is true, then there must be a Source from which we come.  We’ve been seeking the Source from which we come ever since that awareness came.   I believe when that we participate in events and happenings, like The Longest Walk, the “call” to do these things must come from the Heart and not the ego.  When the call comes from the Heart we are provided with all we need on all levels in order to complete the Prayer. 

I was taught, and now know, that every time our feet touch the Earth we are sending a vibration that is felt to Her core and right back out to the Universe!  The smallest and simplest act of kindness and love can help to change another’s life for the better.

Let’s always keep our Hearts, Minds & Spirits open to receive!


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