Messages from the Spirit World I

The Structure of the Universe
…and Our Place in It

David Armstrong


The Structure of the Universe

In the simplest of terms, the universe is all existing matter, pre-matter and space.  It is believed to be at least 10 billion light years in diameter and is comprised of a vast number of galaxies.  At present, it contains five realms, which include thirteen dimensions, each with various life forms.  Most dimensions overlap one another, but the Master Creator is in a dimension beyond the thirteen dimensions and yet is also an integral part of all the dimensions.

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The Master Creator

What does our universe consist of and who or what created it?  This is a huge question with, to put it mildly, an immense and complex answer.  To begin with, It is infinitely old and was created by the vast energy form that those in the Spirit World refer to as the Master Creator.  Although we are not able to perceive the true nature of the Master Creator, it is the all-encompassing energy, to which we are all connected.  Some would call it God.  It is in all things and is the primary reason that anything exists at all.  There are no words to describe what the Master Creator actually is but we are cut from the same cloth although in no way resembling this energy in our appearance.

The Universal Creators

The Master Creator created seven Universal Creators.  The existence of the seven super universes is a source of contention, as we are yet unable to see these other universes.  Consequently, those in the Spirit World with whom who I have been in communication, think it is not so important to dwell on what they might contain, but rather that it should be enough to focus on our own spirit and soul. 

The Soul

The Universal Creator sent out a spark of energy of itself and this became a Soul.  There is no end to the number of souls that have been created and nearly all souls are so old it would be hard to understand how that could be.

What is a Soul and how is it different than the Spirit?  Before I had my afterlife experience I was not sure of the difference.  But the difference is huge.  Here is what my guides have related to me.

The Soul is massive when compared to the Spirit.  The Spirit World defines the Soul as “…a spark of consciousness that is immortal.”  It is the direct result of a “transpirational” thought of a Universal Creator.  A transpirational thought is a thought that has no ending and which may permeate any one of the twelve dimensions in order to experience an existence.  This word was given as such because it “transpires” from the Spirit of a Universal Creator. It is difficult to describe a Soul because it contains so many aspects.  According to my Guides, an “advanced” Soul may incarnate in any of the twelve dimensions and have a multitude of experiences.  They have told me that this experience is individual in nature.  So each of our Souls was created by a thought, albeit an extremely powerful one.  

The Soul then sends a spark of itself out into existence.  That spark of energy that comes down into the physical body and breathes life into the cells is Spirit.  We all have a Spirit.  If we did not, the physical body would cease to exist.

The Spirit

A Soul can send a spark of its own energy, referred to as the Spirit, into any dimension or Universe of its choosing.  In fact, a Soul can send a Spirit into multiple places at once.  (To use that term at the same time would be a mistake for the reason that time is irrelevant in most dimensions.  In the case of Earth, time does have some relevancy, but and this is a deep subject that I will not attempt to discuss in this post.)

Since the “me” that we know in this life is but one spark of the Soul’s experience, one can see the primary reason why the Spirit remembers little of its previous incarnations.  If the Spirit could connect to the Soul it would have a vast collection of memories, some of which might interfere with its present existence.  This would cause the person to become confused or overloaded, as it is impossible to comprehend all of the experiences a Soul possesses at once.

There is no such thing as a Soul-less person for the reason that every Spirit has a Soul and it returns there for recharging at the end of its lifetime.  Since Spirit can exist in all things including plants, animals, and rocks – then it is also possible for manmade objects to be infused from a Soul.

You can understand now why the terms “Soul” and “Spirit” should never be used as synonyms.  They are vastly different and I am not just referring to the size of a Spirit versus a Soul.  Their constitution is completely different as well.  A Soul is a spark of the Creator while the Spirit is a spark of the Soul.  Therefore, your Soul has a much deeper connection to the Creator than does the Spirit and the two have different objectives.

The Soul does not go out into the universe to collect the data.  That is the job of the Spirit, though the Spirit does not actually collect data, and neither does your brain.  Thinking is done outside of the physical body so therefore the Spirit dives headlong into the experiences but does not analyze those experiences.  It is the Spirit within you that drives you to do things and to have unique experiences.  The Conscious Mind does all the judging while the Subconscious Mind helps you to process those experiences, and sends information back to the soul.

What does the Spirit have in common with the Soul?  Since both are are “cut from the same cloth,” so in a manner of speaking, we are made from the same energy that the Universal Creator is.  The universal law is that we are all one in this way.  Obviously, we differ from one another in many ways but we all contain a Spirit and each Spirit has three minds, namely the conscious, subconscious and the superconscious minds within that Spirit.

The reason the Spirit World uses the term Spirit is because the word means “the breath of life.”  A body without the breath of life will wither and die.  The Spirit is responsible for starting the body’s breathing as well as all of its automated functions.  Can you see how important the Spirit is?  If the Spirit chooses to leave a body it may do so, but within a few minutes another Spirit can choose to walk into that body or else the body turns to dust.

The Spirit is limitless, held by no boundaries and does not have a specific shape.  Upon the death of the container, the Spirit will return to the Soul, unless it chooses to linger in the fourth dimension for a period of time.  Until the Spirit chooses to return to the Soul it will not be able to incarnate again.

For some, this may have appeal.  This is only from the personality’s perspective however, for when the Spirit leaves the body it understands that it has much more to yet accomplish.  The personality understands so little about its mission, whereas the Soul never forgets what it is.

The Spirit’s mission is important so don’t feel small in this unlimited universe.  If it were not so one never would have chosen to incarnate in the first place.  Your Soul is counting on you to achieve its data collecting, experiencing and working toward the betterment of humanity as a whole.  Your mission as a Spirit is unspeakably important, whether you understand it or not.  The Soul’s mission is to bring joy, expression and meaning to its Universal Creator, and that is no small task.  Each Spirit is helping the Soul with its understanding and accelerating the energetic system development of the Soul.

The Soul’s primary purpose is to translate experiences back to the Universal Creator, who passes this information on to the Master Creator.  The Master Creator uses this information to create better Universes.  Now I realize that much of this is beyond the scope of our understanding, but I think you are starting to get the picture.  Life does not have to be as complicated as humans have managed to make it.  

Stop and think for a moment how we complicate things.  For example, you could spend your entire lifetime choosing a pair of shoes only because you want them to be perfect.  The truth is that the Master Creator could care less what shoes you are wearing.  They are just a means of comfort, style and choice but this does do not achieve any Soul enriching objectives.

If we spend the majority of our lives in the pursuit of treasures we will never enrich our Souls.  If we do not understand that we even have a Soul relationship we can become disconnected and depressed because we are not doing the Spirit’s work.

Conversely, when we do things that enrich the Soul, the Spirit is filled with joy and it moves into a magical flow.  We are all striving for positive experiences and in doing so we are sharing the love with one another. This world is not just about getting nice things to surround ourselves with.  The real treasures are not stored on Earth.  They are stored in the Soul.  Therefore our missions are unspeakably important. 

My gift to each one of you today in this lesson is that no one person is any less important than the other.  All of our experiences, whether they are good or bad, are stored by the Soul – but the Master Creator makes no distinction.  The Master Creator finds beauty in all things.

Your mission is important to the universe and, since you are cut from the same cloth as the Master Creator, you must understand what a gift your life is to others.  The closer you get to understanding how important your mission in life is the closer you will feel to the Master Creator.  The closer you feel to the Master Creator-  the more love you can spread throughout the world.

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