Spirit at the Crossings VI

The 2015 Summer Solstice

Madalyn Hillis-Dineen 


dineen2The Summer Solstice chart (June 21, 2015 at 12:37:53 pm EDT) corresponds to the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.  As I’ve said many times before, the themes in these Cardinal ingress charts begin to manifest a few weeks before the actual ingress.

When we look at the Cardinal Axis (0 degrees of the 4 cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), we note that the midpoint of Uranus and Neptune are on the Cardinal Axis (Figure 1) and, therefore, stand with the Sun.  I call this the WTF configuration.  You can only shake your head and wonder.  We may find that we learn about ourselves and expand our consciousness and ways of thinking as a result of these confusing or “outside the box” events or people.  Think Caitlyn Jenner and Rachel Dolezal.  When we think of this aspect on a deeper level, we find that it has to do with awakening hidden impulses, intuitive and/or psychic moments, interesting dreams, and the like.  Venus, the ruler of women, the arts and the like is also on the Cardinal Axis.  New and interesting art forms could also emerge with this configuration.

2015solsticemoonaxis(Figure 1)
Click above for a larger image 

The summer solstice chart includes a Void of Course Moon — quite a feat considering Saturn is in the last degree of Scorpio!  As the Sun enters Cancer, the Moon in Leo will have already made its last aspect, a Square to that Saturn in Scorpio.  In addition, the trans-neptunian planet Admetos (the brick wall: endings, steadfast, stable, and immovable), which is in the last degree of Taurus, completes a T-square with the Moon and Saturn and that T-square is in a semi-octile aspect with Pluto (See Figure 2).

2015summersolstice(Figure 2)
Click above for a larger image

This is not a happy combination for the people of this planet.  It signals death, perhaps on a very large scale. Think earthquakes and, because this axis also stands with Hades (suffering, poverty, all that is unpleasant, useless, antique, or deeply buried) and Neptune, think mass drownings.  This axis actually describes the drownings of migrants that occurred this past Spring: an impoverished populace (Moon, Saturn, Admetos) meeting destruction (Pluto) through lack of oxygen or drowning (Neptune, and Hades).  We may see more of the same.

The U.S. is already mourning the deaths of 9 people who were shot to death, in Charleston SC, solely because they were black.   It also would not surprise me if we were to see the sudden and surprising death of a prominent older woman.  We may find that there is economic fallout from the financial situation in Greece, especially for the poorest among us.  This could be the quarter when that house of cards comes tumbling down.

Once again, the people of the world are left to find their way through difficult and dark times the way we have for time immemorial – through faith, inspiration, love and art.  The only antidote to darkness is light.  May the bright light of the Summer Solstice shine down upon you and illuminate your path as you navigate your own personal journey.


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