Spirits of Earth III

Spirits of Plants and Trees

John & Lyn St Clair-Thomas


John & Lyn St Clair-Thomas

Plant life of many types is to be found in nearly every area of the earth.   Associated with these is a most amazing array of Earth Spirits.   These include many different types of elf and pixie-like beings as well as faeries of all types and sizes.   Every part of each individual plant is formed, energised and cultivated by many of these small beings.   Every activity is a joyous celebration of the life processes they work amongst.   The different types of nature spirits all work together toward a single purpose.

Many of the faeries and pixies operate from a collective consciousness, being in charge of single plants or sometimes groups of the same type of plant.   Certain individuals are sometimes more highly evolved and have greater awareness of their surroundings.   Most of the smaller plant faeries are either unaware of or not interested in anything beyond their own plants, while the pixies who tend the leaves and stems are more aware of the outer world, but only become interested in it when a human is aware of them.

With certain rare exceptions, faeries and pixies do not usually wear clothes as we do.   Faeries, however, are often accompanied by wisps of floating energy that trail around them and suggest drapery.   These energies are not separate manifestations created by them, but are actually a part of them just like their arms and legs.   Pixies often seem to be wearing close-fitting clothing; however this appearance is usually caused by parts of their bodies being tinted with different colours, according to the season and to their current work.

The roots of plants are tended by a number of different types of pixie or elf-like beings.   Some of these appear as tiny sparks that fly into and out of the soil, conditioning the roots in such a way as to encourage them to link with the soil and take up its nutrients.   They do this by a type of magnetising of the water contained in the roots.   Close clairvoyant examination reveals them to be perfectly formed tiny creatures with small gossamer wings.

Other types of beings occupy tiny air spaces in the soil around the roots.   Larger versions of these can be seen amongst the roots of plants and trees that have been exposed by soil washing away.   These Earth Spirits have long legs and arms and crouch in the little cavities and caves formed by the washaway and can sometimes be spotted peering out at the world.   They sometimes come out of their dens and walk around with their backs hunched, looking out from under their eyebrows.   Their demeanour is shy.   They are associated with the soil, the roots and the forming and maintenance of the cavity itself.

Another type of Earth Spirit associated with the wellbeing of the roots of plants is a gnome-like being with a large head, thin limbs and a gnarled appearance.   They are related to the interactions of the roots with the soil as well as to the connections between earth and air.   He has no wings and can be seen stomping about around the bases of plants, gathering and forming the etheric of the soil by his actions.   He prepares the way for astral energies to enter the plants through the roots.

Pixies with wings are responsible for drawing the etheric energies upward from the soil, creating a template for the astral forces to enter.   These processes allow the sap to rise through the stems of plants and for leaves to form.   The pixies cause this to occur by flying slowly up from the base of the plant in a spiralling motion around the stem.   When they reach a node on the stem, the point where the stem branches to form leaves, they suddenly deviate from their path, accelerating rapidly and shooting out along the leaf stem.   They burst from the tip of the leaf, spraying etheric and astral energy that invites the action of the air and sunlight into the leaf.   Many pixies work with each plant, repeating these movements over and over until nightfall.

Flowers are a highly specialised part of a plant, being able to transform higher energies than any other part of the plant.   It has been said that flowers represent the Spirit on Earth.   Specialised faeries are associated with flowers.   Some of these can be seen as tiny sparks that hover near the flower, drawing in life-force from the Sun and the air.   They swell with vitality as they do this, before flying back into the flower where they release the energy in a rush of light.   The flower glows from their ministrations.   They remain within the flower for a short while, gathering in those forces that are a sort of energy waste product of the flower.   They then fly out into the air again and discharge the wastes in a brilliant flash of light before beginning the process all over again.

Other larger faeries of great beauty hover near the flowers.   They can be seen leaning forward and appearing to breathe into the flowers.   They stretch their arms out to the flowers, caressing the air that surrounds them.   Beautiful colours come from them, particularly from their hands, mouths and faces, enveloping the flowers in every colour of the rainbow.   These faeries have a high level of consciousness and belong to the higher astral realms.   They receive the impulses for their work directly from the Deva of the area their plants grow in.

Most pixies and faeries of plants rest at night, folding themselves into the inner realms of the etheric and the astral plane.   To human vision, they seem to disappear directly into the plants or to just fade from view.   They reappear with the Sun the next day.

Trees are tended by all the same types of nature spirits as any other plant, but as well there are two other types of earth spirit that are peculiar to trees.   The first of these is a type of tree spirit that dwells within every tree.   It is seen as a cloak of colour surrounding and interpenetrating the tree and reaching down to the ground.   The colour does not extend very far beyond the tree and the consciousness of the spirit is turned inward, dwelling within the nature of the tree.   These spirits have the potential to grow into fully conscious, individualised beings, very much like a small Deva.   During this evolutionary process, the spirits become more fully formed, developing a head and shoulders that extend above the tree.   Chakras also develop.   Their consciousness can then reach beyond the astral to the adjoining plane.   When this occurs, the tree spirits become fully aware of their surroundings and extend their care and support to other trees and tree spirits in their area.   They also become more consciously interactive with other nature spirits around them.

Dryads are another type of tree spirit.   They dwell deep within their trees and grow with them.   They have a very feminine energy.   As she evolves, the Dryad becomes able to extend parts of herself beyond her tree, shifting herself until she seems to be looking out from within its bark and leaves.   At this stage of her evolution, she appears to humankind to have a vaguely defined but hauntingly beautiful human face, shoulders and arms.   These are the parts that can be seen within the tree or extending beyond its physical form.   The rest of her form tapers away into drifts of pale energy with the appearance of drapery.   A well-evolved Dryad has a clearly formed body that is smooth and feminine in essence.   It is still partly concealed by the drifting energies, adding to its feminine appearance.   At her highest stage of evolution, she wears a crown of light and power that gives her the appearance of a faerie queen.   She is then able to move considerable distances from her tree and is very aware of human beings, being very interested in their feelings toward her tree.   Dryads have a particular type of emanation and consciousness that is conducive to the growth of wisdom in human beings.   For this reason we as a race are very attracted to trees and are nurtured spiritually in their presence.


Huge Devic beings are associated with the changing of the seasons and with solstices and equinoxes.  These great beings pass through the Earth and its atmosphere bringing with them the seeds of change appropriate to the time.  These powerful spirits really belong to all the elements, but have a strong connection with the element of Earth and are easily observed in their interactions with it.


Although many nature spirits of Earth are unaware of their surroundings, some have evolved to a state where they are aware of the outside world and very aware of humans and animals and take a keen interest in their activities.

When pixies feel a human being’s attention on them, they respond by strutting and showing themselves off, basking in the fact that they have been noticed.  They can be very mischievous and will lead anyone who can communicate with them a merry dance in search of treasure or whatever they think will please.

Some of the smaller gnomes and pixies are fascinated by any animals in their area, but especially pet cats and dogs.  They feel the connection of human beings with these pets and this increases their interest.  Some of them would very much like to have their own animals just as we do.  Occasionally a nature spirit takes a dislike to a certain type of animal such as dogs and tries to drive them away.  The types of nature spirit who interact in these ways are able to do so without interfering with their usual work with the Earth, as much of their activity is to do with shaping the ethers by simply maintaining their own shape.  An example of this type is the nature spirit already described who can be seen crouching in cavities around the roots of trees and plants.

Certain nature spirits of Earth occasionally come inside houses.  Those with higher awareness are very curious and seem to enjoy interacting with people and their possessions.  They can sometimes be found in wardrobes, cupboards or pantries happily sitting amongst all sorts of odds and ends.  They particularly like anything shiny or noisy.

Larger faeries who are made from astral as well as etheric substance are often able to move over a wide area and can become very attracted to people who are aware of them or can see them.  Sometimes they will dance and beckon to entice the human viewing them further into their world.  This is where stories of being stolen away by the faeries have come from.  After studying and interacting with them for extended periods, one becomes aware of the pull of their enticements and can feel strange and disoriented coming back to the physical world.  This is of little concern, however, as a person usually needs to be quite stable and sensible to be able to see these spirits in the first place.

Sometimes nature spirits who exist in close proximity with human beings enjoy copying human clothing and actions.  Their efforts can be very amusing as they combine items of clothing that are completely incongruous and seem very proud of their efforts.

All nature spirits develop and grow through positive associations with people who know about them, believe in them or can see them.  These are forms of validation that confirm their reality in the world and give them power.  Greeting them or thanking them, even if we cannot see them, gives them the recognition and validation they need to grow.  It is a great joy just to know about them and to have them in our world.  Some time in the future, as the human race becomes more open, all people will be aware of them and the races of man and nature spirits will both benefit.

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