The Ascended Life III
The Ascended Relationship
Johnny Mirehiel
One of the cardinal tenets that writers’ manuals suggest is that one should write about what one knows. Well obviously, one of the main things I know about is the Harmonic Concordance chart. But I have nearly beaten that topic to death. Many others have also covered the subject, and done excellent jobs with their observations. Here I would refer to Jim Buss, Bettye Cates, Chrissy Blaze, Ellie Crystal and Lynn Hayes among many others. So I’ll pass on adding my continually growing understanding of that magnificent chart, for now anyway.
But there is one other thing that I do know about, intimately, and that is The Ascended Relationship.
Jan, my wife, and I think of the Ascended Relationship as a Spirit-infused state of evolving Consciousness. It allows us to experience the mystical marriage with The Beloved, resulting in a continual state of bliss in our lives together. There are three elements of such a relationship. It is, first, an extra-ordinary “I-Thou” connection that consciously acknowledges the masculine, feminine and Spirit aspects within one’s Self. Secondly, it is a union in which the Lover embraces all of creation as the special “Other.” Finally, it is a relationship in which two such Self Unified Souls embrace Spirit as a full partner in a triune relationship. When we come to this point of At-ONE-Ment — within, without and together, we have a relationship that is Ascended, in the Here and Now.
However, there is no magic formula for living in that state of the Ascended Relationship. This Life requires commitment, time and attention and, as “time is money” in the 3-D experience, that might dissuade you from reading further. However, what the Ascended Life has to show us, about the connection to Spirit, about Who We really are and about putting that knowledge to work, might just be well worth the investment of your time.
The many gifts of an Ascended Relationship include daily, moment-to-moment opportunities for transformation made manifest. It is an experience of the mundane world as one of miraculous blessings and beauty. There is much Joy, passion and creativity to be found in living this Ascended Relationship, now. High work is being done though our collective consciousness and in our ONE Heart.
The Ascended Relationship is multi-layered
On the first level, it is the Ascended Relationship that one has with One’s Self. There resides within each created Being the spark of the Creator, that Inner Presence. All those who have chosen to explore the Spiritual path know of this inner Being. It is this eternal Presence that comes into balance on this level of the Ascended Relationship. The energizing force that opens this and every level of the Ascended Relationship is, of course, Unconditional Love. One cannot hope to recognize the Divine in another if one does not recognize It first in oneself. This Divinity, knowing only Self Love and acceptance is activated when one claims it, in an Ascended Relationship with any “other.”
The second State of the Ascended Relationship
Being One with that one “special other” brings with it the knowledge and experience of being the two sides of the same flame, dancing together in the fire of Creation. It can be best described as a relationship which
- is filled with Spirit,
- fulfills the highest relationship ideals,
- brings forth the great Hu-man* Being in each partner, and
- as a whole, it is greater than the sum of its parts.
At this level the two “special Others” actively call upon Spirit to act as the third and “Trinitizing” partner in the relationship. This Trinity allows the partners to demonstrate their commitment to Unconditional Love, complete acceptance and uncontested cooperation with each other. This is that special relationship that Jan and I call YOUme (pronounced ūm or yoom)
The third State of the Ascended Relationship
Here one recognizes that the designation “Other” actually extends to absolutely EVERY other manifest Being. In this state, all personal politics, religious beliefs, caste identification, national allegiances, and philosophical differences become meaningless. In this Consciousness we recognize that we are indeed all ONE. Here one recognizes the universal truth of the Mayan saying, “In Loch’ech,” I am another Yourself. Thus, Unity Consciousness also characterizes the Ascended Relationship.
The fourth State of the Ascended Relationship
…is one in which one has a kinship with what is called “Creator.” This implies that we recognize some form of Superior Being that is greater than ourselves. This propensity for such recognition is implanted in our DNA through what has been called the “God gene.” Although we cannot know the full extent of such a Supreme Being, we nonetheless persist in our necessarily vain attempts to anthropomorphize It. It is this Being, this all encompassing “Field of Potential,” that our indigenous brethren refer to simply as, “Great Mystery.” All other descriptors are but mere shadows of that unfathomable primal essence, yet It is there, in some form, for all of us, and one must feel at home in Its presence, by whatever name we call it, in the Ascended Relationship.
There are many exercises, meditations, tools and techniques that enhance our individual and collective ability to operate within the Ascended Relationship. They are light and fun but they also increase our ability to observe and enjoy the transformational process.
As a starting point though, it is my belief that the Harmonic Concordance provides a perfect template for the Ascended Relationship. Finally, for today, I would leave you with the words of Rumi, one of Love’s greatest voices,** writing to his beloved, Shams. He sings of their Love, then, and ours now.
May these vows and this marriage be blessed.
May it be sweet milk, this marriage, like wine and halvah.
May this marriage offer fruit and shade, like the desert palm.
May this marriage be full of laughter,
our every day ~ a day in paradise.
May this marriage be a sign of compassion,
a seal of happiness here and hereafter.
May this marriage have a fair face and a good name,
an omen as welcomed as the moon in a clear blue sky.
I am out of words to describe how Spirit mingles in this marriage.
Rumi, Kulliyat-E Shams, 2667
* The Sufis regard the sound of “HU” as being the most sacred of all sounds, and the name for GOD. Since we are all regarded (irrespective of gender) as Hu-Man, or God-Man, we should indeed be capable of very great actions.
** Others of “Love’s Greatest Voices” of course, include Christ and John Lennon. (Says me.)
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