The Self Healing Self

Giving Thanks at Thanksgiving
Maria Kramer

Maria Kramer

Maria Kramer

As we enter into the week of Thanksgiving in the U.S., I was inspired to share on this topic.  The energy of giving thanks and gratitude every day of the year can heal us in in-imaginable ways.   The idea is to invite ourselves to live in a state of Gratitude and Celebration.

The most  powerful and transformational self-healing word when spoken from the heart of gratitude is: “Thank you!”  The gratitude I am inviting you to enter into is the gratitude for everything.  Not just that which we through our judgement deem “good” in our lives, but also that which we label “bad.”

When we are able to offer gratitude and thanks for everything, we lift our vibration into higher state of consciousness.  It is through gratitude we enter into wholeness, abundance, enough-ness and oneness.  When we complain we live in a state of lack and scarcity and separateness.  Every time we complain about anything we lower our vibration and the body and environments have to comply and match our energy and beliefs and  therefore we sink deeper into a space of feeling not good enough.

This week offers a tremendous opportunity to pause and contemplate on what consciousness we are living from.  Are we living from our Authentic Self or our separate-self?

Many people stress over Thanksgiving with all the illusionary external things “to do” that seem important.  They feel obligated to partake in gatherings and traditions that do not bring them Joy.  The separate-self is very invested in how it should be and in enjoying all the “best” there is.  It is concerned about the little stuff. It also often remembers past hurts and so is on the defensive.

Perhaps you are being invited to make some changes and created new spin on the traditions.  What is your soul-self calling you to be and do that might be different than  before and what others expect or are familiar with?   What if you could change that energy through practicing Gratitude?  I invite you to make this a more simplified, richer week than ever before.

Try this exercise for fun!  It will create miracles in your life.   Shift gears and offer gratitude for that which you normally complain about.  If a person or situation has caused you to judge and complain, see with the eyes of love and offer a heartfelt gratitude instead.  Write a list of all you are grateful for.  Then add to the list all the people and situations in your life that you normally would not feel grateful for, but without whom you would not be the person you are today.

Who and what has really stretched you, inspired you to heal your self?  When we offer Gratitude for that, we see ourselves as whole.  Nothing is lacking.  Perhaps also add to the list gratitude for your physical vessel that houses your both your selves especially the parts you may not like much.

Write this sentence on sticky notes and place in as many places as you can as a reminder:

In this moment I embrace my life with Gratitude.”

Gratitude blesses us with acceptance and brings deep inner peace. Gratitude and Thanksgiving fills us to overflowing with incredible inner peace and we can then bring that peace into the world.

Gratitude lifts us into out true state of being as light, peace, love and joy.  Complaining and judging lets us live from the separate-self of darkness.

Perhaps ask yourself this empowering question as we move in this season of light. “Since the Soul Self is the Light, how can I be more myself as the light in this situation?”  As you focus more on Gratitude envision yourself as a beam of Light and shine it where ever you are.


Thanksgiving Day Prayer


Dear Creator,

May we this day give You thanks for all the blessings and gifts you bestow upon us each and every day throughout the year.

We are eternally grateful for each “little gift” and “big gift” that we receive.   We are most thankful for the chance to be alive and walk upon the Earth at this precious time in the universe.

We are so thankful for You who live in our hearts, the eternal flame of  Love that never ends.

For the sunrises and the sunsets.
For the moon-rises and the moon-sets.
For the stars and planets that sparkle so brilliantly in the sky every night.
For the clouds that blow across our sky in the most spectacular formations, forever changing, endlessly.

We thank you for the animals in nature everywhere and for the Love, healing and messages they bring us.
Thank you for the oceans, lakes and rivers and all who live in them and the nourishment the waters bring us.
The woods, the flowers and all who live in them.
The mountains which symbolize our journey back to You.

We thank you for family and friends, both near and far,
Knowing that, no matter where we are, we are only a heart-link away.
We thank you for strangers that have crossed our path but once, and for those who have stayed awhile.

We thank you for the friendships that last through thick and thin, a lifetime.

We thank you for the opportunity to grow.
To practice Compassion, Love, Patience, Grace, Peace and Gratitude.
We thank you for the learning experiences You provide so elegantly, each and every day, without which we would never connect with You in our hearts.

We thank you for the food before us, today and always.
We thank you for our health and home, for meeting our physical and spiritual needs.
We thank you for the knowing in our hearts, that no matter where we are or what is happening around us.

We ARE always connected in you.
We ARE in You and You are in us.
We are One.

May all the people be blessed with this knowing and the unbelievable Bliss of Love of You.
On this day, dear Creator, bless our families, friends and me.
Bless all those I love, and those I do not.

Many blessings and deepest Gratitude from my heart to yours.
Maria Kramer

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