Spirit in Water II

Water Spirits of the Oceans
John & Lyn St Clair-Thomas

 John & Lyn St Clair-Thomas

John & Lyn St Clair-Thomas

The greatest number and variety of water spirits exists in the oceans of the world, far more than in freshwater. The ocean is a complex environment that provides many different types of conditions and the opportunity for diverse expressions of life. The least evolved of the water spirits are found at the bottom of the oceans and the most evolved at the surface, with every stage of development in between.

Just as many physical deep sea fish appear grotesque to human perception, having gaping jaws, pointed teeth and strange protuberances, nature spirits of the etheric ocean depths are grotesque to the human eye. Most are either very dark in colour or completely colourless, and are almost indistinguishable against their etheric environment. These form, disappear and reform frequently. Many have shapes that are amoeba-like and shifting. Crab-like arms also occasionally emerge, grasping briefly at the surrounding etheric material before being reabsorbed into the main form.

Water Nymph

Some of the creatures are more elongated and move horizontally, being blunt at the front and tapering at the back. They are difficult to track with the inner eye. From time to time, demonic fish-like faces emerge momentarily at the front end of these forms, only to disappear again just as quickly. The etheric field of water is normally sensitised by light filtering down from above. As this does not happen in the depths of the ocean, the etheric is very dense and less sensitive to the archetypal impulses from within the Earth. This makes it difficult for the etheric material to hold form for any length of time. Areas of less dense etheric material exist within these creatures, appearing as dim lights.

These creatures of the deep are not evil, even though they can appear so to our physical perception. They are simply unevolved and time will remedy this. They are a natural part of the process of evolution, physical and spiritual, and our acceptance of them as such will assist them in their growth.

Closer to the surface but where the light is still dim, the etheric forms of the water spirits become more clearly defined and easier to view. There are multitudes of small, streamlined shapes, moving rapidly with darting movements. They are fish-like in shape, but have dimly glowing centres of consciousness at their foremost tips. They move in every direction, including upward, but are unable to move up into the brighter layers of the ocean waters. Their movements condition the etheric and bring form and life to it.

Here and there are larger forms, with slightly pointed glowing ‘heads’ tapering away to drifting streams of energy. The light at the head periodically creates a faint ripple of light that runs the length of the trailing energy and is scattered in the nature spirits wake. This has an enlivening, awakening effect on the ethers around them.

Some of the largest of these spirits have shapes within them that can only be dimly seen. These have the appearance of miniature archetypes and are shaped like shells and other curling or spiralling forms. They are patterns for the creation of ocean life and are held within the bodies of the water spirits until they are required. At some point they will be released into the etheric field of the water for the purpose of moulding astral light into form.

A Lord of the Waves-Pacific Ocean 1

At higher levels of the ocean, the etheric is less dense and the forms of the water spirits are more defined and stable. Closer to the surface dwell water spirits who have some rudimentary human characteristics combined with aspects of fish and other smooth, streamlined shapes. These spirits do not belong at the surface, although they visit there on occasion. They cannot stay for long, as they are not equipped to process the quantities of sunlight there. They are ideally suited to transform the lesser quantities of light prevalent at the depth they usually are found, however their occasional visits to the surface stimulate their evolution.

The closer to the surface they dwell, the more evolved are the water spirits, until, at the surface, they have very definite forms made of radiant etheric material or a mixture of etheric and astral light. These water spirits have beautiful, feminine, human-like forms in varying sizes from tiny creatures the size of a droplet to beings the size of a fully grown human being. Water spirits with human shape are called undines or sometimes, nereids. They are the fairies of water. These bright beings are made of misty, pearlescent light, tinted with the colours of the ocean: greens, blues and yellows. Beautifully coloured auras extend for a considerable distance around them, radiating outward in concentric spheres. They dive and tumble through the waves in the sunlight, filled with joy and ecstasy and trailing sparkling flecks of light. At times they appear to have fully formed legs, held gracefully together with the ankles crossed and at other times this definition is lost and the legs blend together in a single stream of energy. Sometimes several of the undines dive straight up and through the surface of the water, pausing momentarily in the air, with their arms raised to the sky. They draw in the energy of the sunlight and dive back into the waves to discharge it. As they fall through the air, they call in eerily distant tones, sounding something like the faint prolonged cries of seabirds carried on the wind. They make these strange haunting sounds only when they are partly or completely exposed to the air.

It is easy to see where belief in mermaids originated. The sounds are strangely wistful and hypnotic, causing a yearning for other realms in anyone hearing them. In shallower sunlit waters where seaweed grows, many undines work and play, drawing in astral forces and distributing them into the surrounding water. Some of these spirits have almost complete human form while others are veiled in drifting energy. Sea GoddessesThey drift among the waving seaweed, bending their forms gracefully to follow the curves of the individual fronds. In this way, they interact with the sea plants, tuning into them so as to harmonise themselves with their environment. This is a type of rest for them and is in contrast to their usual vigorous activity amongst the waves. A very faint hum can be heard from them, carried on the astral counterpart of the seawater.

Undines have from one to three bright energy centres, depending on their stage of evolution. Most commonly, a radiant light can be seen around the head. This can have the appearance of a wreath or garland of sparkling points, which arise from a glowing centre inside the head. Some undines also have a centre of light within the chest that radiates forward, intensifying with their level of activity. A third centre sometimes exists at the feet, allowing a connection with the earth and interaction with smaller beings of both earth and water. All three centres are seen in larger ocean undines who dwell close to shorelines or rocks.

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