Right Action II

Spiritual Responsibility
Bettye Cates

“Dream more responsibly.  Create a better reality!”   Frank Kildare

Bettye Cates' Alternate Profile photo

With so much violence being broadcast into our homes daily through TV and the internet, many Lightworkers feel powerless to change the direction in which they see our fearful world heading.  Some of us believe ignoring the ugliness of inhumanity will magically make it less real.   Indeed, the philosophy of non-duality pre-supposes that nothing is good or bad; that everything is simply a reflection of what is going on within ourselves.  While this is a nice ideal, sticking one’s head in the sand has never been terribly effective in changing the status quo.  Doing so leaves one and all vulnerable to the selfish intentions and manipulations of others with their eyes on some personally profitable prize.

While apathy in the face of inhumanity may be easier than taking a stand for one’s beliefs, it does nothing to make our experience of the future any different than that of the past.  Some in the “spiritual community” try to fight an imperfect political system by refraining from voting, yet that is how big money corporate interests managed to buy off our government in the first place!  If we want to make a difference in situations where we don’t like what we are seeing, we must speak up and vote our conscience, before our collective voices become silenced by deep pockets and corruption.

Aside from spiritually conscientious participation in the political process, there remains great benefit in joining our peaceful intentions with those of other Lightworkers around the planet in global meditations intended to raise the vibrations and heal humanity as a whole.  This was the message of the “Harmonic Concordance” and the practice is growing in popularity as more people tap into the Collective Consciousness in order to effect change in our everyday world.  The Harmonic Concordance heralded the birth of the Christ Consciousness in mankind, and taught us that we are powerful manifestors of whatever reality we choose to focus on.  One’s power is, indeed, amplified when one’s spiritual intentions are vouchsafed in unison with other like-minded Co-Creators.

On November 8th, 2003, millions of Harmonic “Concordancers” around the world gathered under the height of the Full Moon Eclipse to seed our peaceful intentions into the Universe.  Together, we shifted the energy of humanity away from our prophesied destiny of destruction.

While the Global Coherence Initiative, now a project of the HeartMath Institue, has its “Global Care Room” available 24/7 and easily accessible on facebook, there are a multitude of other calls for mass meditations going out from different sources all the time, seeking to manifest peace and brotherhood of mankind, to heal the planet and the waters of Mother Earth, to reverse radiation damage spreading throughout the Pacific from the Nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima, Japan, and so many more.

G C Iinitiative

The Global Coherence Initiative

Our God-Selves are being called to a higher level of participation in co-creating the future we want to manifest… the future we want to leave as our legacy.  As many modern prophets and teachers are seeing, humanity was not expected to make it this far.  We passed the test.  We are now making it up as we go, and we have to be conscious of what we are creating with our thoughts, beliefs, actions and inactions.  What we focus our attention on expands and develops into the reality of our future existence.

After the Harmonic Concordance, I was asked if the world would suddenly become a more peaceful place to live.  The response Spirit gave me was, “No, it would take time… and for a while it will appear to get worse.” I was given the image of a rock overturned in the woods, with all the creepy crawly little critters that thrive in the dark and the dirt, suddenly becoming very active when exposed to the bright light of day, scurrying to find another place to hide.  The raising of the planetary vibrations has caused the darker, less evolved souls to grow very uncomfortable, and desperate to reestablish their cover where they can do their dirty deeds out of view of public scrutiny.   But as more on the planet are shining their lights brighter, there are fewer places to hide, so we are aware of more evil than we were ever exposed to before.

Does the continual bombardment of news and images of the inhumanity of dark souls upon the innocent mean that the world is getting worse?  Absolutely not!  There was far more brutality accepted as the norm in centuries past, partly because humanity had been stripped of the knowledge of our Divinity, and had been deceived into thinking that one man, one voice, one thought, was ineffectual in the grand scheme of life.  On the contrary, these dark images disturb us so because we have come to expect more compassion from our fellow man, and we are being shown these remaining pockets of inhumanity because we have a moral responsibility to shine our light brighter to obliterate that darkness!

This does not mean that we all must quit our jobs and travel the world, putting our lives in danger to right the wrongs where they still exist.  But we do have the ability to send out our own peaceful intentions wherever they are needed, as we see disturbing images on the digital screens in our living rooms, our laptops, even on the phones in our pockets.

Many years before Reiki became popular in the US, I was trained in a Spiritualist church to channel the light of God through my Crown Chakra, then to radiate that energy out through the palms of my hands to heal the sick.  During Hurricane Katrina, when the images of human tragedies were so devastating, Spirit led me to raise my hands towards the TV, and channel my healing energy to people I saw on the screen, imagining my Light spreading out to all around them as well.

I was shown that we are all Divine lightening rods with the ability to collect the Light of the God Within, and focus it wherever we see a need.  Many channel this energy directly into Mother Earth, to their families, pets and wildlife, and to others around them through their direct love and compassion.  But the idea of transmitting the vibrational energy of God through a Television, around the planet as radio waves, and send healing to people I could never physically touch was novel to me, yet it made perfect sense.

We are all made of energy.  Everything on the planet is energy.  Everything in Creation is Energy.  Quantum Physics has demonstrated that the Collective Consciousness can effect changes on seemingly inanimate elements such as atoms, the weather, even on global and geo-political events.  Dr.  Masaru Emoto’s research has proven how human thoughts and words can change the shape and formation of Water molecules in astonishing ways, making them beautiful or ugly, depending on the emotion indicated.

We all must become more aware of the power within our thoughts and words, and be good stewards of the energy which we allow to be collected and transmitted by our spiritual lightening rods.  We are all pieces of God, channeling light to one another, or not, as we allow our intentions to be affected by what we focus our attention on.  As we have heard many times, all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.   As expressed long ago by Chief Seattle, “Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it.  Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”  Like it or not, we are our brothers’ keepers.  We must each begin to dream more responsibly, and create a better reality for all!

Mitakuye Oyasin! We are all related!

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