Medicine Ways I

Finding the Way

Valerie Eagle Heart

Valerie Eagle Heart

I was raised in the traditions of the Catholic Church and, as a young girl, I believed my place was to be in a convent.  My eyes, heart and spirit led me to remain in the ‘real’ world rather than living behind cloistered walls.  After many years of seeking, studying and participating in a variety of Religions, I have come to know that what works for me, for a lifetime of love and harmony, is the Spiritual Pathway rather than a set of particular dogmas, rules, regulations or dictates.  What I was truly seeking was a way that sang in my Heart.  A path that would bring me closer to the Source of Love which we all are.   What I was seeking was a Spiritual Practice.  I chose what is named a Medicine Way.

However, for as many Teachers who share a Medicine Way, there are that many “Ways!”  One of my Teachers long ago shared that he had been blessed to have been in a Sweat Lodge Ceremony with four other people who had all studied with the same Teacher, but that none of the four could agree on one particular aspect of the Ceremony.  Why?  Because although their Teacher had given the ground-work and the basics of the Ceremony to each of the four, and instructed them to keep this pattern in place, he also told them to bring forth their own Personal Medicine, Heart-Ways, Inspiration and Vision.  Thus – many Ways.

So, what exactly is my Medicine Way?  I’ve been asked often what this means.  For me it is simply a Spiritual Path that brings me closer to The Source of the All and Everything.  It is honoring every aspect of this beautiful place, Earth we call home.  It is honoring and respecting each Kingdom…Animal, Human, Water, Plant.  My Spiritual Path also involves leadership because this is one of the gifts I carry for The People.  It is a Path that includes Prayer Dances, Purification Lodges and teachings and sharing what has worked for me.  It is a Way of Service.  Each morning my Prayers include…..”What would You have me do today to help make this World a better place for All, down to the next 7 Generations?”

So, that’s a description of my own Medicine Way.  But how do you find your own?  As one of my beautiful Teachers shared years ago, “Get a Spiritual Practice and put it to work in your Life…DAILY!”

For example, you might pick a favorite Prayer or piece of prose or poetry.  Choose Holy Words or an inspirational verse to begin each morning and another with which to end the evening.  On waking in the morning, One could give a simple heart-felt, “I give thanks for my Life,” and upon going to bed in the evening say, “I ask forgiveness for any place in my life in which I created imbalance or disharmony.”

But whatever your choice, use the same piece each morning and evening.  This becomes a DAILY ritual which sets the tone and energy for your own Medicine Way Practice!  Keeping your statements short and sweet encourages the continuity of their practice and helps to ensure that you can always find time for them.  And, as you allow your Spirit connection to grow in simplicity, you will find noticeable changes in your Life.  Pay attention and let them guide you toward the next step on your Spiritual Journey.


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