Revealing the Mystery


The Mystery is that which is beyond description or belief.  Learning how to access and commune directly with the Goddess, also known as Sophia, or Gaia, is the gateway to returning to our heritage, and remembering our true origins and the origin of our home world, this Earth.  This is a process of “gnosis” or direct knowing, based on a homecoming to the body and feelings.  The ancient Mystery schools investigated and discovered that divinity is already alive and present in the matter…and not somewhere “out there.”  Nature is Divine, and so are we…already.  The articles will focus on how to re-engage with the Mystery in simple and practical ways while also focusing on the current planetary predicament, how it arose, and can be to address the issues.

Isaac George is the Voice for this Theme.  E-mail him Here

Concordance Blog articles found under this Theme:

The Best of Us
Finding Love
The Purpose of Attraction
Empathy as a Spiritual Path
The Magic Compass
The REAL You
Practical Magic
Power Versus Empowerment