Right Action I

Spirit’s Call to Right Action

Bettye Cates

“I never considered myself an activist until Spirit convicted me of the hypocrisy of complacency!”

Bettye Cates' Alternate Profile photoIn September of 2003, when Rev. Mary Cox, the Pastor of the Cosmic Church of Truth in Jacksonville, Florida, said Spirit wanted me to speak in church, I knew what it was about, but had no idea how it would change my life forever! I had spent months reading about the Harmonic Concordance, and began recapturing quotes from Johnny Mirehiel’s original site, as well as other Spiritually inspired sources, then meshed their concepts together with various prophetic teachings, and my own intuitive wisdom, to present the message heralding the Concordance as “The Birth of the Christ Consciousness in Mankind,” in a way those with no knowledge of Astrology or New Age thought would understand.

In the months after the Concordance eclipse, when nothing in the physical world seemed to have changed, we were all faced with our own individual, “What now?” One expected outcome of the Harmonic Concordance was a boost in Spiritual awareness, from whatever level one had achieved before.  I’d been an amateur Tarot Reader, Psychic Message Bearer, Healer, Dream Interpreter, and Astrology student for many years, but only as a hobby, on the fringes of my “Real Life,” in which I had most recently been a licensed Realtor / Builder’s site agent.  After a year of unemployment due to injuries that afforded me the time to contribute my part to the Harmonic Concordance, it was another message, directly from Spirit, asking me when I would start working for a specific company that caused me to change my career direction entirely.

Over my 8 years in General Real Estate resulting from this shift, I began applying my knowledge of Astrological transits (especially Mercury retrogrades), and Intuitive / Psychic abilities to my work.  My former hobbies were blooming into valuable skills, to benefit my customers and friends, as well as myself.  Thus began my journey of stepping out of the shadows, using my Spiritual gifts to help others professionally, while developing my own practical application of living the Harmonic Concordance.

I used to be too afraid of disapproval and rejection to reveal my Spirituality and talents to others who wouldn’t understand because it ran counter to their preferred religious dogma.  I often squelched my true opinions to avoid rocking whatever relational boat I found myself in at the time, yet the flexing of my Spiritual muscles begun with the Harmonic Concordance showed me how I had let others steal my power, to the detriment of what I knew was right.  I had to start listening to my heart, and to step out of my own comfort zone of anonymity, even when others disagreed.  In spite of the apparent chaos all around me, I was living the Harmonic Concordance, one day at a time, and following the leading of Spirit.

The global celebrations during the eclipse on November 8th, 2003, brought people together, both physically, and virtually through the internet, seeding our intent into the Collective Consciousness to feel the joy of the peaceful, abundant, and loving world we wished to live in.  We blanketed the Earth with the Light of God, drowning out the darkness of apparent reality, even for just a few hours.

While many still cling to visions of hate, destruction, and anarchy; the more enlightened of us are now beginning to see the flowering of our efforts manifest into creation.  Lies are being revealed.  Wisdom is becoming valued over propaganda.  Injustices are coming to light to be rectified, and those guilty of atrocities against their fellow man are being called to accountability for their crimes.  Populations are rising up against corrupt governments in PEACEFUL protests, and gaining the support of a more socially conscious world.  The differences between us are becoming less important than the God-spark that lives within each of our hearts, calling for us to love one another as Brothers and Sisters.  Humanity is finally standing up to powerful corporations that have been using and abusing our Earth for profit, then leaving their toxic, deadly messes for their un-offending victims to clean up.

“The Birth of the Christ Consciousness in Mankind” heralded by the Harmonic Concordance, IS “The Indwelling of The Holy Spirit,” that Jesus prophesied.  It is an awareness of a higher consciousness that observes life through our eyes, and has the power to effect changes beyond our scope of influence.  As we recognize this God-spark within each of us, and raise our vibrations individually and in unison, we begin to manifest the benevolent Kingdom of God into our physical reality, and are called to action to protect our fellow Humans, Mother Earth, and all her creatures from exploitation, of any and all kinds.

We are the eyes and ears of God experiencing what humanity has so far created through ignorance and apathy.  We are the hands and fingers God must use to type on the computer, make phone calls, sign petitions, and exercise our right to vote, according to OUR higher spiritual principles.  We embody the Mind and Heart of God as we reach out with love and compassion to manifest a beautiful future for humanity on our beloved planet.  We are our brother’s keeper, and we cannot stand by in silence as others deny the divinity of all beings.

Truly, living the Harmonic Concordance means TAKING RIGHT ACTION on what resonates with the higher vibrations of our soul, rather than holding back, thinking “My little voice can’t change anything!” It compels us to take a stand on important issues that affect the Planet and Her inhabitants, rather than wallowing in apathy and helplessness, while self-motivated others manifest a world that we would prefer not to live in.

I never considered myself an activist until Spirit convicted me of the hypocrisy of complacency! The time has come to speak out… to act upon the voice of God within, in tangible ways.  It is time to stop manifesting a future of hopelessness, destruction, and intolerance by doing whatever we can to raise the vibrations of the Collective Consciousness and to manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth.  We must stretch our boundaries, take action on what is right and good and begin fully living the promise of the Harmonic Concordance.

We are called to take Right Action in our everyday lives, even at the risk of alienating those less evolved souls who would challenge us with their denial and delusions.  We can’t perform our intended and agreed upon purpose in the greater scheme of life if we are closed off to the guidance of Spirit and unaware of the power inherent in the indwelling of the Christ Consciousness.   We are Spiritual beings on a physical journey, creating the world we live in, either by our actions, or, unfortunately too often, by our inaction.

One such opportunity is fast approaching, on May 24th, 2014, when environmentally conscious activists will join in the global “March Against Monsanto.” This single company has done more damage to Mother Earth, killed and sickened more humans and wildlife, and totally destroyed more natural ecosystems, than perhaps any other corporate entity in history.  Just last week, an appeal went out on Facebook for people to demand their investment brokers dump funds from their portfolios that support Monsanto, causing Monsanto’s CEO to quietly divest himself of 95,000 shares of stock in his own company (worth over $10 million) before the blood bath on your nest egg begins.

The 98% of us who care about the future sustainability of life on our planet way out number the 2% power brokers whose only priority is their own bottom line, but our voices don’t count if we allow them to convince us of the futility of taking Right Action.  We must stand up and BE the Harmonic Concordance!  We must listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit within, and weigh what we are being told to believe by a multiplicity of ‘Talking Heads,’ against OUR higher spiritual standard.  In every action or decision, we should be asking ourselves, “Does this feel like love (God), or hate (NOT God)?”  “Does this feel like compassion and peace, or judgment and manipulation?” Are we living in faith and hope, or doubt and fear?  Do we care enough about the leading of Spirit to stand up for the hard right and against the easy wrong?

The “Indwelling of the Holy Spirit” is capable of amazing miracles if we begin to accept the fact that we are all powerful manifestors of whatever vision of the future we collectively share… for good or ill.  If you have never before been an activist for the benefit of all God’s creation, I invite you to begin now, by educating yourself and your friends about the dangers Monsanto’s products and toxic wastes pose to this beautiful Planet, and the future of all life on it.  Get involved by raising awareness among your sphere of influence, using both your physical and virtual voices to spread truth, and take a stand for what is right!

Please visit the “Occupy Monsanto” link below to find a March (walk… really) near you, and magnify your intention to heal our world, and save humanity from destruction by tapping into the power of the Collective Consciousness!

“Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” Luke 6:31, Matthew 7:12

Go forth, and live the Golden Rule.  Live the Harmonic Concordance through Right Action!

Mitakuye Oyasin! A Native American expression for “We are all related!”

Two of my three speeches that still lived online as of the time this new Blog was conceived can be found here: (Harmonic Concordance Sermon – A Christian Perspective) and here (HC Astrological Aspects).

Directory of Marches Against Monsanto around the world on May 24th, 2014

Call to dump Monsanto Stock, and make your voice heard on Wall Street!  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?ibid=745229815516831&set=a.482231601816655.113449.478981558808326&type=1&theater

Monsanto CEO Dumps over $10 million of stock in his company on April 15th, 2014    https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?Ibid=10152448429409388&set=a.10150644870149388.450934.162878479387&type=1&theater


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