Spirits of The Earth II

Spirits of The Earth’s Surface

John & Lyn St Clair-Thomas


John & Lyn St Clair-Thomas

The Earth’s surface is an area of vitality and interaction where the most varied and abundant physical expressions of life are found. The greatest number of earth spirits also live and work here, creating a feeling of intense industry combined with exuberance and rejoicing.

Earth Spirits come in many sizes and shapes, mostly with human-like forms. They dance, work and play on and near the surface of the Earth, activating the etheric material associated with topsoil, sand and rocks. Many of these are little winged faerie-like creatures who are totally oblivious to the physical world. They are of various sizes, but the largest are no more than four hundred and fifty millimetres or eighteen inches in height. These sparkling little beings are mostly of a misty, transparent appearance, tinted with pinks, blues, greys and white. They can be seen dancing in rings and in other more complex patterns. They never stop moving, sometimes floating languidly and at other times dancing vigorously, with much jigging up and down. At times, they dance around and around in one spot for a while before moving off, still dancing.

They are not restricted to a small territory, but can cover many kilometres as they dance. Although they appear to be individual in form, they are really an expression of a single purpose, working through a collective consciousness that has awareness only of the ethers they are working within and of their own unity. They do not choose where to go, but respond to fluctuations in density within the Earth’s etheric that signal the availability of specialised astral energy. Occasionally they are joined by larger, more radiant faeries who are much more conscious of their surroundings. These are beings of the astral world that interact with the work of the etheric faeries, using it as a pattern through which to pour astral light into the world.

Other beings condition the Earth’s etheric in a simpler way. These do not work in groups and are far less mobile than the faeries. They do not have wings and are gnome-like in appearance. They arise from the etheric of the Earth, seeming to the observer to come out of the Earth itself. They are human-like in form, usually with elongated features and a drooping demeanour. They drift across the surface of the Earth in a seemingly random pattern, wherever the etheric streams take them. Some of these spirits hold their form only briefly before disappearing back into the etheric of the Earth. Others last for several days, drifting here and there.

Other types of earth spirits of a more evolved nature can be seen running or leaping on, or just above, the ground. These are beings of the astral and etheric realms and they are very aware of their surroundings, even though they do not very often choose to acknowledge or interact with physical people or animals. They have a very intense and purposeful demeanour. Some are as large as human beings, although most are smaller. They sometimes have a suggestion of wings, but these are wispy and more like short flares of energy emanating from their backs rather than real wings. They sometimes also have antler or antenna-like protrusions from their heads, these being a manifestation of their alertness and attentiveness to their surroundings. Their purpose is to condition or enliven large areas of ground in preparation for the growth of plant life.

Landscape Features and Large Areas

Landscape features are governed by larger earth spirits having a much higher consciousness than any discussed so far. They are an intrinsic part of the shape and substance of the land features they are associated with. Devas are the most evolved and most highly conscious of these earth spirits, as can be seen in the brightness and complexity of their activities. They govern the formative processes of the entire area in their care, issuing forth impulses of energy transformed from the astral realm and higher planes. These impulses direct the activities of every smaller nature spirit associated within the Deva’s area of responsibility. Devas receive their impetus directly from the angels.

Devas have a central form surrounded by sweeps of energy that emanate from their chakras. The centre of consciousness is in the head, which emanates streams of activating energies. Devas are aware of everything that occurs within their sphere of influence. The central forms of Devas can vary in height from approximately five metres (fifteen feet) to thirty-five metres (one hundred feet). Radiant auras surround them, extending for great distances from the inner form.

Some individual mountains, groups of mountains or hills, mountain ranges, plains, canyons, valleys, large rock formations and cave systems have their own Devas overseeing their functions. Larger areas often have more than one Deva, usually working together.

Smaller areas such as woodlands, forests, large gardens or parkland all have one or more Devas caring for them. These are often smaller Devas who are responsible for groupings of plants or areas where there are many of the same type of plants.

The seashore is a specialised habitat with ample scope for all types of nature spirits. Many shorelines are presided over by large Devic beings who are stationed over promontories, cliffs or larger rocky features. They invariably face out to sea and spread their influence over the many nature spirits working within the astral and etheric natures of sand, rocks, waves, seaweed and rock pools.


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