Maria Kramer

Maria Kramer

Rev. Maria Kramer is the author of two books: Prayers to Awaken Peace and Love and The Chakra Journey.  She is a New Earth Unity Consciousness teacher who has dedicated her life to healing the world to Peace as she guides others to connect to their Divine Presence and awaken to the Peace, Joy and Love that they are within.

Maria has studied alternative healing and nutrition for over 30 years.  On her own journey of healing and en-lightenment she has found “Energy Psychology and Therapy” to support the most profound, efficient healing possible in the shortest period of time and became an Integrated Energy Therapy® Master-Instructor and Trainer

She lives in Westbury, NY, where she facilitates Angel workshops, Self-Ascension events, and New and Full moon meditations throughout the year.  She invites you to check out her Website.

You can find Maria’s posts under the Blog Theme

 The Self Healing Self:

Trust is Love – Love is Trust
Jumping from Judgment to Joy
Giving Thanks at Thanksgiving
The Presents of The Present